Sunday, January 12, 2014

Where Would You Rather Live?

If you could live in either of these two places, which one would you choose

... a ranch???


Or a beach cottage?


Wearing boots like these?  (I have a pair just like these)
or ...


a beach caftan?  I don't have one like this, but I sure do like it!

I can see the upside of both.  What about you?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I would live on a ranch in Ada County! I'd love a ranch in Eagle. :-)
    I lived in Meridian and Boise for 9 years before moving back to Western Wa. :(
    I miss Idaho and if I couldn't have a ranch in Idaho, it would be Texas! You live and have lived where I wish I could. :-)

  2. Most definitely a ranch...I grew up a cowgirl raised its just in blood...and honestly I have never seen the ocean. I LOVE those boots have a great week...Hugs lol raggedy Angie

  3. I'd live at the beach!!! I live on a dirt road in the country. But, I fancy myself a beach bum!!!

  4. The beach, especially at this time of year!.........and I'll take that caftan with me, please.

  5. The beach in summer maybe the farm in winter is that allowed.

  6. absolutely a RANCH.. I love it all and that would be wonderful for me and my furry pals.

  7. A ranch is definitely my choice complete with those adorable cowboy boots ;-)

  8. For sure the beach. I LOVE the power of the ocean and the smell of the salt air. I love the sunrises and sunsets. I can't get a pair of boots to fit my feet and those caftans are so beautiful. A ranch seems like a lot of work also and I'm too old to enjoy that. LOL

  9. Susan,
    Ideally Both!!! Have always been a small town country girl and dreamed of a ranch, but living in Florida I would Love a Beach Cottage too! I visit my brother on a ranch in a tiny town across the bay from Galveston.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.