Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Few Pretties

Even though it has not snowed here in Victoria, nor have we 
had much bitter, freezing cold weather, I am getting tired of cold
and gray winter days.  Days of dark clouds, strong winds and
bone chilling dampness.  I can imagine y'all are getting tired
of winter too.  So I decided we needed a few spring time
pretties to cheer us all up.

I am dreaming of spring.  Every once in a while we get a teaser kind of a day
when the sun shines and the winds die down and time spent in the garden is
a real treasure.  I relish those moments and long for more.

I buy fresh flowers to keep the inside of the house alive.
I carefully change the water and remove any dying ones to 
keep the bouquet going as long as possible.

Still, it's not the same as digging in the dirt.  So satisfying.
Feeling at one with nature.  Hearing the birds, watching the
lizards and squirrels.  Seeing Bentley romp around in
delight in his big back yard.  Sheer heaven for me.

Seeing my dear boy so happy makes me happy too.

 I can hardly wait to make another fairy garden this year.
Of course you already know how crazy I am about minis!

I will have to make another  "Tinkerbell  Cottage" because I left the old one
behind in Idaho.  Fairies don't like to move you know.

Last year I had fun putting little dishes in between the pansies in the 
window boxes.  I will have to do this again.

In the meantime, I can look through magazines and create outdoor
garden plans in my mind.

I leave you with happy memories of spring days gone by
and dreams of the spring days to come.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Gorgeous photos! I am longing for spring, too. I especially love that last photo, of the impatiens in a pretty sugar bowl. I found miniature daffodils and primroses at Home Depot on Saturday and had to bring them home!

  2. Love the dishes with the pansies. Adorable. It has snowed here for almost 24 hours. As Canadians you would think we are used to it but this year seems a bit much. We have seen more snow than ever I can remember. Had enough....bring on Spring. Deb

  3. Thank you so much for the touch of spring. I long for the sun to shine on my face and my fingers digging in the dirt. You my sister are like minded ~ I have been searching for new little minis for my new fairy garden ;-)

  4. I love the photo of Bentley made into a stamp. I'd like to try to make one of those....I hope I can figure out how! Love your fresh flowers. Enjoy your week my friend!

  5. You could come a little north to Dallas and freeze your patooties today. :) It's 27 degrees right now. We are ready for spring too. A fairy garden is definitely on my list of things to do this year.

  6. I'm so ready for warmer weather. Ooooh the eye candy in your photos... spring is around the corner! WOOHOO!

  7. Love your fairy garden....we are in the middle of a heatwave here in Australia and so dream of spring too to get some relief. HPS Michelle

  8. Bringing a little Spring inside! Yep, we have had every type of weather so far this year...welcome to Texas. I'll bet little Bentley loves his new yard and warmer winter. xoxo Nancy

  9. It started snowing again here today, so it was a delight to read your flower post! I love how you use unexpected containers for your plants--a very charming idea that I want to incorporate more in my indoor plants. And Bentley is adorable--how do you fit so much cute into one dog :)

  10. I am definitely ready for spring. It is so cold here today. Had 7degrees yesterday. Have not been out of the house in three days.

  11. I definitely enjoyed seeing all of the flowers. We have had enough snow in Michigan this winter to last several winters. Yuk!

  12. Susan, I am looking at magazines and dreaming of Spring also. Digging in the dirt is sheer heaven to me as well! Only wish I had a Bentley to watch romping. I love my fairy garden and have been picking up a few new minis. Can't resist when I run across them! Love your Tinkerbelle cottage! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.