Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Sincerest Apologies

Yesterday, Friday February 7th there was a miscommunication.  I  was
told to air my review for the new Suave Moroccan Oil ad campaign.
As it turns out, there was a mistake in the timing of that ad and I was then told
to remove it from my blog, so I have done so.

The timing of the posting and removal has been totally out of my control.
I apologize to all of you who were so kind to make comments on
that post in order to be entered into the contest.  My suggestion is that
you return to my blog this coming week when tentatively the ad will
be reposted.  

This is not my style and I am very saddened that this has happened.
Please accept my apologies.  In order to make it up to you, I will have
my own giveaway next week where I will have complete control.
All of you who entered the Suave giveaway are invited to participate
in this new giveaway and I will automatically give each of you
two chances to win.

Your readership and your friendship are of the utmost importance 
to me.  Thank you for your understanding of this unfortunate
miscommunication.  I never want you to feel that I have led
you astray.  It's not the way I roll.

With Love,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh goodness Susan. You are sweet to let us know. No worries! Love reading your blog, and seeing your beautiful pictures! ~Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer

  2. I know you would never do anything like that, sweet Susan, it was just a big mix-up at corporate :) I love you bunches. Tonight I posted my final post on Ms. Redo - will still be around to visit you and a few others, but I know in my heart it's time to put Ms. Redo to rest.

    Love you bunches ~ Mary

    1. Thank you Mary! I am so sorry that you won't be posting on your blog anymore. Why don't you just take a leave of absence and come back later? Please don't loose touch with me.

  3. With love right back to you sweet need to worry!!! xoxoxo

  4. These glitches are bound to happen and I'm sure nobody thinks you did anything intentional. It's sweet of you to do something to make it up to people.

  5. Sounds like Suave and Blogher need to get their acts together. You weren't the only one who posted about Suave. Tis not your fault. We love you! :)

  6. Not to worry, it really wasn't your fault. Have a great day!

  7. I missed the post but have to say that absolutely no one - ever - would imagine that you would have pulled your post intentionally. I'll look forward to the post going up again.

  8. Don't worry, Susan, it's okay. I'm sorry it happened for you like this. But it's okay and we all know it wasn't something you would do. Love your pretty snaps! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Estos colores suaves son colores del amor me encanta hermosa loza,saludos y abrazos.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.