Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Valentine Love Letter

Happy Valentine's Day from Bentley and Me.
We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends like you.
You put smiles on our faces every day.

Reading the posts on your lovely blogs and reading the
lovely comments you leave here bring happy cheer into every day.

My life and Bentley's too have been greatly improved by
knowing each of you.  

There is such strength, love, creativity, wisdom and talent
among all of you.  I am so honored to be a part of this
blogging community.  

There are so many wonderful things I have learned from you~

Creative Crafting Ideas
Terrific Tablescapes
Clever Cloches (I have always been cloche challenged)
The Very Best Decorating Tips
How to Stretch a Dollar
Delicious Recipes
and more!

Honestly ~ visiting you all is better than the latest magazine
on the rack.

It was you who carried me through the dark days after my
Daddy's death.  

It was you who prayed for both my Mom and for my Aunt Susan during
their health crises.  I believe in prayer because even though they passed
through some tough days, they are still here with me.  You lifted them up
in prayer and I am forever thankful to you.

It was you who kept me invited me into your world to share
your lives.  I have been able to share in milestone birthdays,
anniversaries, graduations, the birth of new babies.  You have
shared the sad events too which has drawn me closer.

You have made me giggle.  
You have taught me new things.
You warmed my soul with beautiful photos,
and so much more.

Thank you for letting us be part of your life.
Bentley and I have loved every moment and

We Love You!

Big Texas Valentine Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

PS: You still have time to enter the Suave giveaway on my previous
post.  Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.


  1. Loving all your little felt cuties!

  2. Such sweet heartfelt fun. Happy Valentines Day.

  3. Lovely Valentine's pretties!

    I posted some rather happy news in my last post! Fun to share with you all! ♥

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. A SWEET Valentine you are and I am Blessed to call you friend...Hugs lil raggedy Angie

  5. The egg warmer is very cute.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.