Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Remaining Hopeful When It Appears All Hope Is Lost

The doctors are convinced that all hope is lost.  They keep
reminding me that Mom is never going to recover.  I sit by her
bedside each day.  I assure her that I am with her, that I love her
and chat about everything as though it was any normal and 
healthy day for her.

But I do not give up hope.  

They tell me how lucky she is and that she has lived a long full
life.  I nod my head because I know that they are trying to
justify their position and in their own way attempting to comfort me.

But I do not give up hope.

Miracles do happen.  I know and believe it.  
Although my Mom is in a hospital receiving good care
from doctors, nurses and other staff, I know that they
are expecting her to die soon.

But I do not give up hope.

Because I love her,  I have put her life into God's hands.
If He has plans for her life here on earth to continue, then it will.
Until He decides, I will sit by her bedside and talk to her and make
sure she is comfortable and I will remain hopeful.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. never never give up hope thinking of you

  2. May you feel God's comforting presence during this difficult time.

  3. Susan, my heart goes out to you. Remain hopeful, my friend. Thinking of you and keeping you and your mom in my prayers.

  4. Susan - My heart just aches with yours right now. I went thru this exact thing with my Mother. The Drs. pulled me aside one day and said - you do know she's not going to make it and you are just talking too positive. I told them if we don't have hope then we have nothing. So, everything is in God's hands and He will make the decision when He is ready. But, you must never give up hope. I am so glad she is there with you during this. My prayers are with you both. Thinking of you.


  5. I am praying for you and your Mom. Do you have a church family to help support you at this time? I know that you haven't been there very long and I don't remember if you have mentioned this before. I will pray for that kind of support for you also. Thanks for updating us.

  6. Susan, God is love. Never give up hope. He may have other plans, but trust in him. I am praying for you constantly. I wish I could be there with you. I am in spirit. (((Hugs)))

  7. Never give up hope - whatever happens she is in God's hands. I am praying for your mother and you.

  8. Susan, I believe in Hope and I know that you have put your Mother into God's hands. Prayers and hugs sent your way.

  9. Oh my dear you have friends and support behind you here in Blog Land....may we shore you up somehow knowing that we care and are thinking of you and praying for your family

  10. You can count me to pray..
    Hugs, Dottie

  11. Our prayers are with you and your mum .

  12. Sending thoughts and prayers for both you and your Mother.

  13. Oh, Susan, I feel your heartbreak! I'm so sorry! It's not easy but I do believe in not giving up either. By placing your mother in God's hands - that's the best place she can be. Praying for you all.
    Shelia :)

  14. Sending prayers and positivity to you. xo

  15. No one ever knows what the future holds, not even doctors. They are trying to prepare you for a loss, that might OR MIGHT NOT happen. You hold on dear lady. The doctors are the ones who get to decide. No matter what happens or how much longer your mom hangs on to her life. You have a wonderful opportunity to talk to her, and say things you never thought you could. Love her, be near her, and hold on to your hope until you have to let it go. Only you can know what you feeling.

  16. I'm with you, Susan ... praying for you and thinking about you all through the days.
    Love, Mary

  17. Oh Susan, this is so sad. I can feel your love for her through your words.
    A lady my husband works with went to the ER before Thanksgiving with what she thought was the flu. She had two huge masses on her colon and her lungs. Then she got Mersa and has had numerous surgeries.....awful ones that didn't address the cancer at all. The doctors would come into the ICU and stand over her and say, "I can't believe she is alive." Well, she is.......and finally home from the hospital. They are now starting chemo. She has been amazing. Your Mother sounds like a fighter to me. ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers and don't give up hope.

  18. Oh Susan, this post brought tears to my eyes, because I have been in your exact shoes. Please do not give up, my mom came through her stroke and lived another two years - and it was good two years! Keeping all of you, especially your mom, in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. May God's blessing be with you and your mother.

  20. Was just thinking of you this morning.....so sorry for this news. What a comfort to your mom that you are chatting with her, she hears you and feels your love.......I used to read to my mom, some poetry and fun short stories. Bless you.......

  21. My prayers and thoughts are with you at this difficult time God Bless

  22. BIG hugs to you during this difficult time. I'm sure she can feel your love.

  23. We've been through this with my husband's mother. Please know that I'm thinking of you. Prayers and hugs too!!

  24. You have been a faithful daughter, and your faithfulness continues to bless your mother, as well as those who are encouraged by your example. We appreciate your willingness to share what you are going through and will keep you in our prayers.

  25. You are right to never give up hope regardless of what the doctors are saying Susan about your Mom. I'm praying for you and your family. I know how difficult this is for you from my own experience with my mother. We care out here in blog land and feel your heartache.

  26. Keeping you in my thoughts, Susan.

  27. You keep doing what you are doing, sitting and chatting w/her. I used to do the same w/my mother, and I believe they know we are there for them.

  28. Honey you have done the right thing. Only God can decide when our time is up. Until then be there for your Mom and whisper I love you into her ear and hold on to hope. You and your family will be in my prayers.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.