Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crafts From Scraps

Since I leave my sewing machine out on the worktable in my studio
all of the time, I decided that it needed a cover.  Not wanting to spend
any money on it, I just went through old bits of fabrics, trims and buttons
until I found enough to make a cover.  I didn't have a pattern, I just
made it up as I went along.

I decided to add a pocket to the front because I need to be better organized.
I am forever misplacing things like reading glasses, rulers, rippers, etc.

I found some ribbon to use as closures at each end.

Well, there you have it.  Any ideas how long I will stay organized?
Your guess is as good as mine.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. That is darling!! Love the chenille. At least, you have a good start!

    Have a great day. Sun is shining here but wind is blowing 50 mph.


    1. It's always windy in OK isn't it? It's sunny here too today and also windy, but it often is near the Gulf.

  2. That is so cute. I love the softness of Chenille. I like the pockets as well. Have a good day.

    1. I have been hanging on to this little piece of chenille forever. Never knew what to do with it before. Sometimes I guess it pays to be a pack rat :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Mostly it is washable, but that pocket is felt, so I don't know for sure how well it will wash.

  4. ....just as cute as a button. :)

  5. That took my breath when I first opened your post - absolutely love it. And desperately need to make one for my machine, love the style you chose - and the design on it is so pretty.

    Hugs ~ Mary

    1. Since you are a sewer I know you have lots of fabric stashes. Just get them out and let your imagination run wild!

  6. This is very cute and handy, too! I love seeing crafts come out of these gorgeous rooms and studios!


  7. I have not had much time to do any crafts lately and I really enjoyed this.

  8. This is so sweet and I love Chenille. Love this idea and it is so adorable to look at. A wonderful addition to your craft sewing room. You are amazing.

  9. Very creative! Love the soft colors.


  10. that is so sweet and a great way to organize.

  11. oh my, Susan, how adorable! When I first clicked I thought it was going to be a cute kitchen towel or something, but what a brilliant sewing machine cover! The pocket is brilliant too, just adorable!

  12. Adorable! I recognized those flowers right away. I've got that same bedspread and here's one of the things I made from it:

    Now you've got me thinking about what to do with the rest of it!

    1. I will come see your bedspread. Actually, this was a rectangle of chenille I picked up several years ago at JoAnn fabrics. I put it away because I never decided what to do with it until now.

  13. This is adorable! I have yet to make a sewing machine cover...have the plastic one on it and an old valance wrapped around that and always tell myself that I should put aside a day to make one. Yet, any patterns or tutorials I've seen are for full covers, with a pieced pattern, and look like a lot of work. Now yours might take a lot of work but it looks enjoyable and fun. I think I'll pin this and refer back and try to come up with something like it down the line! :) So cute!

    1. This was really simple. Just start with a piece to cover your machine and go from there.

  14. Now Susan if that's not the cutest cover ever! I love the chenille pattern and the sweet little pocket in front. Great job!

  15. Precious I really need to drag out the scrap box and play!

  16. How adorable. You've inspired me to make one too. I leave mine out all the time too and it gets so dusty.

  17. I love it! What a fabulous idea. I'd love to leave my machine out instead of packing it away after each use, so maybe I'll make a cover. Love the idea of the pocket on front, too!

  18. Hi Susan, you did a great job on the sewing machine cover, very pretty. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  19. That is the cutest sewing machine cover ever! My cover is kinda plain & boring. It's green w' pink ribbon edging the bottom & little fabric rosettes here & there. I saw some cute fabric at JoAnn's where I work w' sewing items all over it. I went to buy some & couldn't find it. Must have sold it all. I was so bummed but now that I've seen yours I'm thinking I might try something similar. I too am in love w' chenille. Especially vintage style. Thanks for the lovely inspiration.

  20. That's adorable, really adorable, My machine sits out and I need to make one up too. I just seen Debra's from Frugal Little Bunglow's. So now you have inspired me too. I agree with Deb, cutest sewing machine cover I've ever seen.

  21. I just saw Debra's, too and they are both adorable! I like your pocket for keeping things handy! I need to be next to make one! My house is so dusty! I'm going back to look again! WOW! What a great idea! Hugs!

  22. Gorgeous, I have been to Debra"s Blog the machine covers are so creative so now I have all these ideas popping into my head. Thank you for sharing.

  23. OMEarsAndWhiskers!!! i love it! Cutest little sewing machine cover i have ever seen! i am so impressed with your choice of fabric, your design, your ability to make it look so professsional yet so homey. Oh, i am just over the top with this one. You have truly amazed me this morning. i cannot wait to get started on my own.i hope i can find some cute chenille and a cute little fabric piece to match. i won't use felt on the pocket although i know it looks so precious. My house is so dusty though, that i will need to laundry it from time to time. i thank you so much for the idea.


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