Monday, March 17, 2014

On Top and Inside Cabinets

I changed the top of a vintage cabinet in my studio.  I have a passion for miniature
chairs.  They are not dollhouse miniatures, but rather play scale.  I am not
sure how all of this came about, but whenever I see a cute tiny chair I am just
drawn to it.  

I love to be surrounded by things that inspire me.  Drawings of historical homes,
bits of favorite fabric and other little things that just make my heart happy.

When I get started on a sewing project there are two things that I never can
find ~ the pin cushion and the scissors.  I have the unfortunate knack of 
setting them down somewhere and walking away and then forgetting where
I put them.  I must have ADD.

I changed things up a bit in the mini hutch on my work table.  I love this
little hutch so much.  As you may recall, David bought it for me a couple
of Christmas's ago.  It is one of my favorite things because it is little and cute
and filled with bits of things I love.

Maybe if I hang pincushions from drawer knobs I will never be without.

The last time David and I went to a local antique mall, David slipped away and 
bought me this cute little glass Scottie.  He knew I would love it and of course
I do!  It is now filled with little buttons I have collected.

Of all the Beatrix Potter books, this one has always been a favorite of mine.
I suppose it's because I enjoy sewing.  I have not sewn clothing for myself 
since I was in college, but now I love to quilt and make curtains and little
things for around the cottage.

Well that's it for today.  It's lovely outside.  I can actually go out and do
some gardening which I have been longing to do.  Have a safe and a
Happy St Patrick's Day!

Y'all know where Bentley is don't you?  If you guessed
in that big comfy chair in my studio you guessed correctly!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love that hutch it is just darling! Thanks for sharing your tiny things.

    Amy Jo

  2. Everything is so pretty! I love your mini chair collection and how you put your vignettes together.

  3. That mini hutch is the cutest thing ever!! I especially love the butter yellow quilt that is hanging from the door. I built a mini vintage pie safe with screen in the doors and I painted it a rich butter yellow & lightly distressed it. I wish I could show you a picture. I think you would love it. The doors open of course & there are shelves inside to put mini pies on. I had so much fun building it. I want to do another but it is pretty time consuming. Thanks for sharing your lovelies with us. (((Hugs))) from a fan of your blog. I always look forward to a new one, especially when it's about minis!!

    1. Please send me a pic of your hutch. It sounds adorable and I would love to see it.

  4. Oops, I see the quilt is hanging from the drawer, not the door. Anyway, still love it!!!

  5. Love your mini hutch. I have one also and started making tiny bolts of fabric. Got tired and quit and haven't gone back to it yet. Love all of your pretty things and all of those little chairs. A friend and I used to do art and craft shows with painted chairs and our business name was "Chair Ladies". It was fun but got to where wrangling and wrestling with all the big furniture was just a little too much! LOL


    1. Maybe you should start a mini chair business. Less wrangling and wrestling ;-)

  6. You have a nice home.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  7. Gorgeous post, Susan! I love the mini hutch and the little chairs, and the glass scottie....well, everything really!
    Helen xox

    1. Wish you could stop by and we could work on craft projects together.

  8. That Scottie is adorable...the entire post is. I can't really comment on anything special because it is all so pretty and special! :)

  9. I love your minis AND your little hutch is absolutely adorable. Love, Love, Love that little glass scotty. Reminds me of Mindy. Your sewing room is so cute. I love it all

  10. Hi, Susan! Love the mini chair collection! I have a small chair my great grandfather made out of Cherry wood years ago. It's one of my most favorite keepsakes. I finally started using 2 pin cushions in my workroom. One is literally tied to the sewing machine because I kept knocking it off on the floor all the time! LOL! But I still lose the "mobile" one now and then!

    1. I have about four pincushions now. I am such a scatter brain.

  11. Hi, it's me again. I had to look at your blog on the computer so I could see more detail. That hutch makes me smile, as I'm sure it does you also. Plus in one of the pics I spotted the edge of your sewing machine & I'm almost positive we have the same exact model. Is yours the Kenmore Ultra Stitch 6? My husband got me my machine about 30 years ago & it's still going strong!! I love my no frills machine. Many a craft have happily been stitched on it. Anyway, thought I would share that with you. I would be thrilled if you could reply. Your Seattle fan, Deb. P.S. I am going to try & find that lovely butter yellow fabric that your mini quilt is made out of. I want it terribly! I work at a JoAnn's fabric store so wish me luck!

    1. My parents bought me that sewing machine years ago. It is a great machine and no problems with it ever. That yellow print is actually a vintage doll quilt I purchased at an antique shop in Idaho. I just fell in love with it at the time, never knowing what I would do with it but I love it hanging out of the drawer.

  12. Super sweet miniatures on your amazing hutch! I love pin cushions, have a few porcelain doll pin cushions that are my favorites. Thanks so much for sharing a Amaze Me Monday...


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.