Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bentley the Decorator

I was working in Mom's old room, bringing in some accessories, deciding on 
art work for the walls when Bentley (who follows me everywhere) suddenly 
left and ran down the hall.  I thought maybe he heard a cat outside and
would want to go out.  Instead, he came running back in the room with one
of his favorite dollar store balls.  He jumped up on the love seat and 
deposited it near the throw and the pillow.  

As you can see it's a bit flat on one side.  That is because he punctures the
balls with his teeth.  He likes them better that way so that he can easily grab
them and toss them in the air.  You can also see he is bringing in a touch of
pink to the decor.  And who said dogs are color blind!  I wonder if I am 
going to have to start paying him a design consult fee???

Bentley ~ do you need a treatie for you effort?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Bentley just thought you needed a touch of color on that sofa! Good job Bentley!!


  2. Its so nice that Bently helped you out!!! You think he was decorating, but he was mainly making a claim to that spot!!! So cute.......

  3. I think you should, he will most likely work for bones or dog treats.

  4. Sounds to me like Bentley's worth his weight in kibble! :-) and how I love that pillow!

  5. Well done Bentley! The pink ball picks out the pink in that gorgeous cushion nicely! Happy weekend:)
    Helen xox

  6. Love the touch of Pink on the love seat...good job Bentley!!

  7. I would leave it there. It seems Bentley is making himself at home in that room.


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