Sunday, April 6, 2014

Brenda Needs Our Help!

Here's our girl friend Brenda with her pups Abi and Charlie.  Y'all know
her from her wildly popular blog Cozy LIttle House.  Brenda is in a pickle
and needs some assistance with her big move starting on Friday April 11th.
She has been such a good friend to so many of us and now is the chance
for her readers in and around Tulsa to give her a hand because she ...

Is Moving!

Having survived my own cross country move last August, I can tell you
that moving is an arduous task even in the best of circumstances.  Brenda is 
having a hard time accomplishing this task and as I learned early in life,
many hands lighten the load.  So I am appealing to any of you in the Tulsa
area who can give Brenda a hand, we will both be eternally grateful.  Now 
she does not know that I am asking you for help.  This is my own idea.  One 
thing I know for sure is that when we girl friends put our minds to it we
can move mountains!  So all you gals in Oklahoma, go show your
spirit of friendship and help out one of our own.  

You can read more about this move here.

Galations 6:2
Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of

Seasonal Sundays

Thank You!
Susan and Bentley


  1. I wish I lived closer and could help Brenda, but I must admit I have my hands full trying to downsize and move my Mom. I hope blog friends respond and give her some help! You are so kind to think of this for her.
    hugs, LInda

  2. Thank you for helping to spread the word about Brenda. I sure wish I had a way to help her too.

  3. This is so sweet of you. I wish I was there, we'd have her loaded up in no time.

  4. Oh Susan, you are so sweet to put out this call and I hope some Tulsa area bloggers show up with some surprise help.

  5. Hi Susan and this is so nice of you and I do hope our Oklahoma bloggers will pitch in to help Brenda. I'd help if I were there. Been praying for her. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. Me too ! I would help if I was there and bring my boys!! C'mon Okies!! Let's help Brenda and Charlie and Abi get settled!!!!! oxox

    2. I am not sure if I know any Oklahoma bloggers. Surely there must be many.

  6. What a BEAUTIFUL family picture of Brenda and the pups. My cousin's wife had family in Bartlesville OK - I'm going to ask her to send this to her family oxox

  7. I wish I was there to give Brenda a hand. I know she would help us. xo Laura

    1. That's the thing about Brenda ~ she is always so helpful and supportive of others. It's time for us to pay it forward.

  8. How sweet, Susan! What a great friend you are to Brenda and I think you have probably created some extra help for her. Hope her move goes well!

    1. I hope someone in Tulsa reads this and gives her a hand!

  9. Susan . . . thank you for reaching out for moving help for Brenda and her "furry friends". I have kept Brenda in my prayers . . . she's such a wonderful person and has had some really difficult circumstances to face. I hope and pray that your request will bring some quality people into her life to help her move AND to serve as a support network for one another in the future. Brenda has a lot to offer and she will be a blessing to others who come to know her. My prayers and my thanks to you, Susan (and Bentley, of course).

  10. I wish I could help. I would be there in a minute. All i can do is offer my prayers

  11. You are a kind friend, Susan! I hope Brenda receives the help she needs. Like many others, I would love to help if I wasn't so far away. Helen xxx

    1. I would love to help too. We could knock out the job in no time at all!

  12. I hope she's able to find someone! I did suggest that she might want to contact a local college to see if she could hire a couple of guys for a few hours.

  13. All of us that live far away will be rooting for her long distance. So sweet of you to help.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.