Monday, April 7, 2014

I Have Cake

I am completely speechless.  Very unusual, just ask my hubby.
But I have cake!

Don't know what's wrong with me.  Can't focus on any one thing at
the moment.  Maybe it's spring fever.  I'll try to get my act 
together and finish something.  But right now all I want to do is
goof off.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It's perfect weather for goofing off, my friend. xo Laura

  2. Cake is good , with a nice cuppa tea ! Goofing off is good for the soul ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  3. Don't underestimate the power of doing nothing! Enjoy doing the things that make your heart smile. The cake is adorable.

  4. How 'sweet'! And maybe that's what's wrong with me, too....Spring fever. I'm flitting all over the place and not getting anything done! lol Hugs!

  5. Oh my ~ the cake looks so real. Yummy ~ Goof off all you want ~ yeah ~! it's spring
    ((Hugs)) xo

  6. I love the teeny tiny teaspoons. They even have measurement markings! Adorable. Time to goof off is a precious commodity. Relish the opportunity.

  7. Sometimes we just need to goof off. I think they call it Spring Fever.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  8. Spring fever for sure...not a bad thing to spend some time doing nothing.

  9. Well, I was in the same funk UNTIL....I decided to move to Texas. Yes, ma'am. I am. Fixin' to make the move in June. Stay tuned.

    1. That's wonderful news! Where in Texas? I am in Victoria ~ anywhere nearby???


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