Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What To Do With My Old Dresser

When we moved into our house the master bedroom was just kind of 
thrown together.  Ever since I decided to have a slipcover made for my
vintage love seat and place it at the end of our four poster bed, I have
been focusing on the other changes I want to make in this room.  

Here is the dresser that has been mine since I was a little girl.  It is 
solid cherry.  This poor thing has moved all over the country.  It is
the second time that it has moved to Texas.  I could never even think
about painting it while my Mom was still alive.  Now I am thinking 
I might give it a new look.  

So many of the things in this room came from grandparents and parents.
While I love the sentimental value of being surrounded by things that
belonged to those I have loved, I am starting to feel like I need to put
my own stamp on them.  What would you do?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I would take that chance and enjoy the journey

  2. Absolutely positively make your own stamp - and only keep what you love regardless of sentiment. That's my mantra.

  3. Your dresser is beautiful. I would not change or paint it. I would add a glass top with some pretty paper or material underneath which you can change when the mood takes you but does no damage to your dresser.

  4. Absolutely make it your own!! Paint will give that dresser a whole new look!

  5. Look at all the amazing dressers online that have gone through paint makeovers. They will take your breath away by how beautiful they turn out. Yours will be particularly beautiful because it is a solid quality piece. I makeover some small furniture pieces that don't have the best bones but they still look pretty awesome after I get a hold of them & sand & paint, occasionally add a new piece if hardware. Your hardware is lovely, maybe just spray paint them a pretty contrasting color to the dresser paint you choose. Can't wait to see it if you take the paint plunge!! Go for it.

  6. Just took a closer look at the handles, really nice. A new color & you'll have a beautiful "new" old piece of furniture.

  7. I think you want to paint it! Go ahead. I will love it, either way! Love you and love Bentley, too!

  8. I think Primroses Attic has an excellent idea in putting a glass top with fabric under it.

  9. Oh will enjoy living with the item so much more than you do now if you follow your instincts. I just painted my Nana's old Martha Washington sewing table. It has flip top end compartments and 3 drawers down the front. I've seen them in antique shops for around $300 but it meant more to me to make it happy in my home.

  10. Make it yours! It's the time in our lives when we really come into our own!!

  11. Good Evening Susan & Bentley - I have some things that I could just never paint because my Mom would just haunt me! LOL But, other things I've redone because it just didn't fit in my house. I still have a lot of Mom and Dad's stuff in it's original condition tho.


  12. I think you should add your touch and paint it. It will brighten your spirits and your master. It's going to look fantastic.

  13. It is a beautiful color right now. I would give it a good cleaning with wood soap then touch up the stains. I would also paint the drawer pulls maybe black. I would also decorate the whole room around it keeping cherry wood in mind. That's just my opinion. Do what makes you happy. I could see it white but solid cherry wood is so rare now and has such a beautiful grain through it. Love Elaine in Luray

  14. Even after you paint it you will never forget it's origins so do what best fits your style!

  15. I would go right ahead and paint it!! It's yours, and if you are ready for a change, go for it!!

  16. We are fortunate when we inherit and those things become a part of your life. We must make them a part of our life.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  17. I vote to give it your own stamp. Think of it this will just sit around resenting the furniture for messing up your whole room if you don't. You want something that has sentimental value, but you want it to speak to YOU, too. If giving it a coat of paint or otherwise refurbishing/remodeling it makes it speak to you, then go for it. Think of it this way,'re putting your stamp on it for the next generation to enjoy and/or put their stamp on. Make sure, sure, sure that you have before and after photos that you put in an envelope and tape inside the dresser. Put a little note of instruction for whoever gets it next that they are to please take a photo and do the same thing if they decide to change it. That makes it all the more interesting and sentimental as it gets passed from generation to generation! Be sure the note is in your handwriting and not computer-generated. There's nothing like looking back on the handwriting of our predecessors!!!

  18. Deixe sua intuição falar o que manda seu coração. Uma peça terá um valor maior se tiver algo de você nela. Também amo cachorros, tenho duas lindas, lindas. Elas sempre me dão dicas (do jeito que só quem ama os cães entende) e me inspiram. Beijos!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.