Monday, July 14, 2014

Ash Tree Cottage Blooper

Don't laugh ~ never mind, go ahead and laugh because I am.  You see I 
had this idea to cover the lamp shade for this vintage lamp in my studio.  
I decided to make a ruffled shade using scraps of this and that.  I just 
started working away on it while I was watching YouTube videos on 
the best way to get rid of callouses on the bottom of feet.  (You see I do
like to multi~task).  Well I got a bit carried away with the shade and it
is now too big for the base.  I stepped back to see just how bad it looks
and decided that it reminds me of a photo of myself when I was a little
girl.  I was always skinny and my Mom dressed me up in a party dress
with a full skirt and I posed for a picture with my Grandma.  I always
laugh when I see it because I had this full skirt with two skinny little
bird legs holding me up.  So now I have a lamp that looks little me
when I was little.

Maybe if I just took off that bottom "petticoat" it would look better.
But then it would not fit either.

Let me stand back and see if it looks any better …
no the proportion is all wrong.  It could make a fun hat to 
wear at a party.   Tee hee.  

Bentley let's go ahead and publish this post so that our readers 
can have a giggle!

Does this qualify as a metamorphosis?
Everyone will be amazed at how silly I am
I tweaked it all right!
This should inspire everyone on what not to do!

Bentley ~ let's go have a cup of tea before we clean up
the crafting mess I left behind.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. well it is still pretty and a great idea but you do have me laughing...more at your multi - tasking than anything else :)

  2. It looks like a pretty little girls party dress and what little girl wouldn't like this in her room, it is sweet and feminine, love the cute...

  3. Thanks for the giggle. I'm thinking I might have had that same dress :)
    xo Laura

  4. Cute post and photos ! I think it does look cute at least it is one of a kind lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  5. Susan ~ I am chuckling because I have done this soooo many times. I just get all wrapped up in what I envision and then ~ oh boy ~ blooper. I am so glad you posted this. I needed a good chuckle today.


  6. It did make me laugh, but it's still pretty cute!!! I have those same pictures of me with skinny legs and party dresses that looked like an opened umbrella!!!

  7. I love all of the features this week - so much inspiration! Thank you for graciously hosting this party, Susan.

  8. A pretty shade, it just needs to go on that lamp's big sister. Thanks for a smile to lighten up the horrible process of moving here!

  9. I think it looks very sweet! But sometimes looking at a photo helps me more than anything. I saw all kinds of things I could have done differently with Alice! lol Makes for FUN! Sweet hugs, diane

  10. Absolutely love that bedspread! So cottage! I'm glad I found you. Will be following you. Found you over at Cozy Little House. Hope you'll visit and follow me around too.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.