Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cute Place in Rockport, Texas

Bentley and I were in Rockport, Texas yesterday.  The place was packed with
people at the beach and having fun in the sun on a hot summer day.  While
driving through town we noticed this cute place.  I just had to take a pic to share
with y'all.  Such a cute shop and I love the name.

Just look at the colors!  Love it!  It is also an animal clinic.  I didn't say a word to
Bentley though.  He hates grooming and he's not fond of animal clinics either.
Mum's the word ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm sure Bentley would be so glad you drove on by. It is a cute place - such fun colors to make it seem welcoming.

  2. Love the colours and the name! I can imagine Bentley would not be too keen on a visit there though.....
    Happy week, Susan!
    Helen xox

  3. I am sure he looks handsome today and has a extra strut to his step!

  4. What a darling name for the business! My dog would start shaking as soon as we rounded the corner for the animal clinic. I felt terrible :-)

  5. It is a cute place
    Lily & Edward

  6. Sadie doesn't like either of those destinations as well. Too peas in a pod! '-)
    Did you two get a beach house?

  7. Love the colors of the whole row of buildings...

  8. Such a cute building! Don't tell Bentley I was a groomer for ten years. I love Rockport!


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