Sunday, July 27, 2014

Houston Shopping Trip

Yesterday David and I drove to Houston for a shopping adventure ~ aka
browsing.  We went to Highland Village which is a lovely mecca for
shopping enthusiasts and big time browsers like me ;-)  We stopped in
Williams Sonoma.  I can never pass one up ~ and look what I saw …
a gorgeous LaCornue range in yellow!

Ooh La La!  

I own a Viking which I love.  In fact, my Viking and my kitchen back in
Idaho were featured in Viking Life Magazine.  I will never trade that 
baby in, but oh isn't this so pretty to look at!

And the hood.  I love the subway tile too.

What could possibly be better?  This range in red!!!

On a smaller scale and at a lower price point is this adorable range.

Don't let it's small stature fool you.   You will still have to come up with over
$8,000 for this diminutive darling! Sigh ...

But what I did order is this …

the Churchill leather chair from Restoration Hardware in Vintage Oxblood.  
Unfortunately I could not find a photo of this chair in oxblood.  It is a 
special order.  The leather here is called Vintage Cigar I believe.  The oxblood 
is more of a burgundy.  We won't have it until mid September.  It will be 
David's chair for the family room.  It is so comfy.  It's a perfect fit for him
and it swallows me up which I love.

And …

we ordered this ottoman to go with it.  Although I don't want to
wish summer away, I am excited about having this new chair
and ottoman in our home.  I think I will have to stay away from
Highland Village for a while until I refill my piggy bank!

Have a happy Sunday everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Replies
    1. Those ranges are stunning. Thanks for the visit!

  2. Now that is a impressive stove! Love the chair, it does look comfy....look forward to you posting a picture of it when it comes home!

    1. The chair is so comfy. The only time I will be able to sit in it is when David is not home ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. That smaller stove in butter yellow would be dreamy. In fact I'd love my whole kitchen in butter yellow. They give it away as a prize once in a while on "The Price Is Right". I especially love the vintage looking fridge in butter yellow. Your chair is gonna be one comfy-cozy place to read!

    1. I like the smaller stove too and imagine it would be sweet in a sunny yellow. So glad you came by for a visit!

  4. I'd definitely take one of those red ranges. I love Williams Sonoma and even though I don't always buy something - it's inspiring.

    Your chair will be wonderful! Just imagine reading a good book there. :)

    1. I don't often buy anything at WS either, but I always stop in for a visit. So glad you stopped by!

  5. I've been in love with the Lacanche ranges for many years, and the one I considered was the Fontenay in black. But I love the yellow! Your new chair will be a nice addition to your home. When you go looking for your hubby, you will probably find him in that chair!

    1. That chair "looks" like David. I can just see him sitting there enjoying a cigar, although I am not keen on him smoking a cigar in the house, he does have an occasional one on the back porch. So good to visit with you Debbie!

  6. Well, what do you know! You and I both were in Williams Sonoma. And I can promise you it is not a store I commonly visit. But go look what I got...

  7. Susan, those Lacanche ranges are like a piece of jewelry. They are amazing!
    David's new chair and ottoman look very comfy. Like you, I like to curl up in a big chair. '-)

  8. Susan,
    That yellow range in yummy! Almost the color of my one wall in the kitchen. I love my flair. Isn't it funny how we have a love affair with our stoves and ovens? lol
    Arf, little Bentley!

  9. My Susan, I love that big old comfy chair and ottoman! I'd hop in it every time he left the room! LOL
    Those ranges are amazing, but SO expensive! I'd need a second job!
    Hugs to you and Bentley,


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