Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Romancing the Cottage

Making our nest a warm and loving place is something we do for 
ourselves and for those we love.  In our fast paced and hostile world 
 our homes are our refuge.  

Creating a warm and welcoming home is more about lovingly
arranging what we have than about spending money.

I have been striving to keep our home filled with happiness.  I am 
limiting the amount of news we listen to.  It's not that I don't want to be
informed, it's just that there is only so much bad news I care to take in 
on a daily basis.  I am working on being a bright and cheerful person
for my family, friends and all I come into contact with each day.

Flowers, happy music, yummy smells coming from the kitchen do
as much to romance the home as does decorating.  

The best thing we can do for those we love is treat each moment 
as one that is special and can never be relived.  We can fluff our
nests and create a loving atmosphere for all who enter.  

Bentley and I wish you a happy and joyful day.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, you and I are on the same wavelength. I try to listen to uplifting and encouraging things also. TV news is overwhelming to me so I choose not to watch...even though the rest of our family thinks that's silly. I want happy thoughts as much as possible.

  2. I agree Stacey. While I don't keep my head in the sand, I don't listen to news 24/7 either. Life is too precious not to enjoy it and to make it joyful for those around us.

  3. gorgeous post! love your beautiful pics, is that Bentley in the lovely tea pot frame?


    1. No, not Bentley but my first Yorkie whose name was Bitterman. It was Bitterman who started my life long love of Yorkies. Thanks for your kind words Karen. Hugs to you and darling Krumpet.

  4. What a beautiful post, Susan. I do not watch any news on the TV. I read the paper each morning and get some news on the internet. I want to be aware of what is going on in the world, but I don't want to be inundated with it. Hugs, Laura

    1. I agree. The news on TV is 24/7 and is so sensationalized. If you watch too much of it you want to head to a deserted desert island ;-)

  5. We have stopped listening to the news. I keep up with it via certain sites online, but both of us have decided we want to be positive and happy and hearing the news constantly doesn't support that.


    1. Once you make that conscience effort to focus on being happy and positive it becomes second nature and that happiness just resonates into every little corner of your life. You and Don have so much to be happy about. Two talented loving people sharing their lives with Scout, family, friends and the many you both touch with your talent and creativity. A very full and rewarding life I would say.

  6. Such beautiful, restful photos! You always take such wonderful pics!

  7. I couldn't agree with you more Susan...I really do try to have a smile on my face everyday!

    1. Keeping a smile on your face every day makes you feel good, and what's even better is that it is contagious and everyone else starts to feel good too.

  8. I understand how you feel about the news. There is so much sadness in the world that if we dwell on it, we risk forgetting that God is in control. He wants us to think on the good things. Hugs, Terri

  9. So true Susan!!! Love your post.
    Big Hugs

  10. Just beautiful...the photos AND the pretty words.
    xo bj

  11. How very thoughtful, Susan. I am uplifted just from the beautiful photos and words you have shared.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  12. You are so right Susan - there's enough trouble out there we don't have to keep it in our lives - I do keep up with what's going on in the world via radio and news websites where I can skim over - we don't have cable - so I do keep my life full and peaceful that way! Beautiful post - I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  13. I so agree with this Susan! It is a tough world and our home should be a sanctuary for all the family members. Great post!


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