Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sunny Day Breakfast

Some mornings all I want is a three minute soft boiled egg in a
little chick egg cup and one mug of tea served on my kitchen island.

Soft music playing on the radio.  A flowery mug to bring 
sunshine into the day.

The timing is crucial ~  well enough cooked so that the white is
not runny but the yolk is still soft.

A lovely way to start the day.

PS:  I always make an extra egg for Bentley.
Keeps his coat shiny.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a sweet and simple tablescape, Susan. Some mornings are definitely better with a quiet start!

  2. Love your egg cup and gentle start to your day! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  3. Sweet :-) My mom used to have an egg cup similar to that. I have tried soft boiled eggs and love them but never used the egg cup to serve with. Mornings are special- love a hot drink with mine too but I'm a coffee gal!

    1. I am a coffee achiever on the weekends only. I try not to overboard on caffeine because I am already a type A person ;-)

  4. Wonderful way to start the day! Thanks for sharing your morning!

  5. Susan, this is so pretty for a sunny summer day! A great way to start the day for sure. I love the adorable chick egg holder, and the cup has such a sweet pattern. Happy summer to you and sweet dear Bentley. (Did I every tell you I had a beautiful springer spaniel for fourteen years named “Bentley?” I love that name.................

    1. I did not know you had a dog named Bentley. I love the name too. His full name is Bentley the Precious Peanut ;-)

  6. Don't forget to line up your soldiers. My mum is British and that's what they call the toast cut in strips and dipped in the yolk.

    1. I love that term. the British always have such charming terms. I will remember to line up my soldiers from now on!

  7. What a simple and serene way to start your day, my friend. xo Laura

    1. I think of the early morning hours as "my time" ~ no worldly distractions. Love it! Thanks for stopping by Laura.

  8. I love breakfast. There's so much promise to the beginner of the day. This little setting reflects the spirit of that promise so nicely. Clean, bright, sun-filled. Lovely coffee mug, as well... :-)


  9. Thank you for you kind comments Lory and for your visit too!

  10. That's the prettiest little tablescape! And now I want a 3 minute egg!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.