Thursday, July 10, 2014

Treat Yourself Like A Guest

Sometimes I like to pamper myself in small ways by treating myself
like a guest.  We have a cozy corner in our bedroom where I like to
have tea in the morning and sometimes coffee depending on my mood.
It's a quiet spot where the windows face both the east and the south so
in the morning the soft light filters in and I can watch the birds in the

When I was younger I was never much of a morning person, but I have become
one now.  It's these few precious moments of the day that I like to hold close.
Walking into the kitchen and making up a tray for myself is a joy.  My very own
bed and breakfast just for me and well Bentley too of course.

It's these still quiet and reflective moments that last with me all day long.

Bentley is so cute in the morning.  We let him out very early and
after he comes back inside he loves to cuddle.  So sweet.  It's our
very special time together that we never miss.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I so agree with you about pampering yourself and enjoying the moments of everyday life. You've set such a lovely tray here and that would be w wonderful way for anyone to start their day... :-)


  2. Good idea to treat yourself. That is why I like being a morning person...something about being up before everyone else in the world. I feel like it is my quiet time to get prepared for the day.

  3. Such a special moment in time for yourself. Mornings are my favorite time before life intervenes!! You've shown how extra special it can be. I'm going to try this. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  4. I think it's wonderful that you do that for yourself! We tend to everyone's needs but our own. Thanks for the reminder!
    A beautiful setting! Morning is my special time too! I love the quietness, stillness all around me. It gives me time to read my bible and talk to God alone. It refreshes my spirit! Blessings My Friend,

  5. I've always been a morning person and I cherish those quiet moments to myself. I love having the house just for me and my tea or coffee, it's very peaceful and a great jumpstart to my day. A special tray just for me sounds heavenly, thank you for the idea.

  6. That's a nice way to treat yourself! I love the mornings too and my view faces East. I love to watch the sun move and highlight things and to see the birds come and go. What a great way to start your day!

  7. I love the title of your post. We should treat ourselves as guests and not ignore the special touches we do for others.

  8. Being a guest in your own home is always a treat.

  9. Sounds heavenly, Susan. I treasure those odd days when I can rise early and enjoy the calm and solitude of time sent in just being.
    I'll have to take your advice and make more time for that. Hugs to you and Bentley!

  10. Looks like a heavenly place to start the day off. So serene and peaceful. I know you and Bentley both enjoy it.


  11. I love this Susan. And yes we deserve a little pampering every once in a while. Your tray is so delightful!

    Jocelyn @

  12. Beautiful, Susan! Now if only I could train Ramon to make a tray like that for me every Sunday morning, I'd be good to go! :-)

  13. Yea, I agree, we should get together for lunch. Or maybe I come to your house for breakfast and you come to mine for dinner since we both know how to pamper ourselves. My fish tacos were delicious - a favorite meal of mine. Love your sweet place to sit in the morning and that you take the time to enjoy it. That's so hard for me to do as I always feel like I need to start the day running.

  14. Isn't morning such a peaceful time of the day when we are usually well rested and can enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. Even if I have to be somewhere very early, I like to take time to sit outdoors with coffee in the summer and listen to the birds. A beautiful setting!

  15. What a great idea! Lovely way to start the day.

  16. I love this idea! I am not a big morning person, but if I do end up awake before my kids the peace and quiet of a slow start is very nice. Thank you for linking up at Friday Favorites!

    Emily- Our house now a home

  17. I heard a speaker a while back say we should live like a tourist. You know how we get so used to our surroundings we don't notice things but a tourist sees all the things that have become ordinary to us with excitement & wonder. So I've made an effort to look at my surroundings with new eyes & appreciate things as if I'm on vacation. :o)

    I'm a big Bentley fan as well. I had my daughter-in-law's Yorkie for a year & had to send her home a month ago (long story). But I so miss her. I've decided to get a Yorkie of my own. There's nothing sweeter than a Yorkie's unconditional love & of people & life.

  18. Such a beautiful tray you prepared for yourself and Bentley. A wonderful way to start the day!

  19. This is delightful! Yes, we all need to pamper ourselves a little!

  20. This is such a lovely post, Susan. I agree we all need to treat ourselves every so often! I have pinned this and will be featuring you at my Friday Favorites post this Friday.

    Best wishes and thanks for joining the Say G'day Saturday linky party!
    Natasha in Oz

  21. Such a lovely post! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features today at the Anything Blue Friday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week's blue soiree. Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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