Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Walk By Faith

I don't talk about my belief in God very often.  I don't believe that I am the
best person to discuss God's love.  

I am not the kind of person who has Bible verses memorized nor do I 
know all of the stories and parables in the Bible.  That is not to say that
I have not read the Bible, because I have.  I am just not confident enough
in my study to discuss it.  

I took a graduate level course once titled "The Rise of Christianity".  
While it was very interesting from a historical perspective, I did not 
enjoy reading about the politics of religion.  I do not enjoy arguing about
which church follows Biblical teaching most accurately.  I won't discuss
Catholics versus Protestants.  

I just try to keep my faith simple and do two very important things.
I love the Lord with all my heart and try to treat others as I wish to be
treated.  I make mistakes all of the time and He knows it and we talk
about it.  Well, I talk and He listens.  I am getting better about listening
to Him and He is so patient with me.  It has not always been an easy path
for me.  I have veered off the path more than once, but I have also
learned that I am never happy when I do.  

So now I just put my faith in His hands and let Him guide me.  It's a
simple little path yet the journey is filled with a sense of calm and
peace and joy.  I happily walk this path by faith.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, this is the kind of faith I have. Simple, full of love and gratitude!

  2. Living by the Golden Rule is the best way to live.

  3. Love my Christian sister. Your yard is looking lovely. Sooooo wish we could sit on your patio and talk. xoxo
    Hi Bentley!

  4. I have the same beliefs. Beautiful yard. Sometimes you just have to follow his lead.

  5. Love this post! I feel the same way!

  6. This is such a sweet and heartfelt post, Susan. This is how I try to live my life, too. xo Laura

  7. A beautiful, heartfelt post and probably says more than many an hour-long sermon :)

  8. An honest, heartfelt post, Susan, that speaks clearly and concisely about your thoughts and feelings at this time. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Lovely post and lovely garden photos. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  10. Beautifully said and illustrated. I th ink there must be many of us who feel the same.

  11. Such a beautiful post. I want to hug you after reading that. :) I feel the same way about my faith. I don't know many verses by heart, and my husband knows way more Bible stories than I do that I have to ask him about sometimes, but the main thing is keeping God at the center of everything and simply taking the time to talk to Him. I worry way too much and am constantly questioning His plan, but the funny thing is, my life always ends up being completely different than how I would have planned it and yet I'm happier despite unexpected events thrown at us all the time. If my life turned out the way I had wanted it to, I wouldn't be nearly as happy. Just proves God knows what He's doing, right? Good things fall apart so better things can fall together. He knows exactly what we need.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.