Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bedtime Rituals

There are certain rituals that I like to do at bedtime.  I always have a
glass of water by the bed.  I fill two glasses up with ice and water.
I like a slice of lime in mine, and David does not.

While David likes to watch TV for a while, I would rather read a good
book.  Right now I am reading Roses by Leila Meacham.   It is an 
engaging novel about east Texas.

David likes to sleep with one pillow but I love to sink into several.

Of course I also believe in Teddy Bear Therapy for those 
toss and turn kind of nights.  There is nothing worse than when David
and Bentley are both sound asleep and I am wide awake with my
mind racing!

By the way ~ I take Bentley for a long walk every night.  He has
a drink of water and waits for me to pick him up and put him on
our bed.  He never sleeps on David's side of the bed, just on mine.
Then I feel really guilty when I have to slide him over to make
 room for myself.  It's a tough life for the little guy ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Ha! Ha! I know what you mean about feeling guilty about making the dog move over. Our dog (medium size) goes to bed early with my husband who has to be to work by 5 AM. I come to bed later and as I am getting into my pajamas, if he is not right in the middle of the bed I tell him that he is going to have to move over. He groans VERY loudly, rises up on his 12 year-old bones and scoots over against my husband. I always tell him that I am sorry that his life is so rough. What we do for our furry children!!

    1. They are so funny and expressive You should see the looks that Bentley gives me sometimes when he is not happy with me. I would love to hear your dog groan! Yes, I agree, we will jump through hoops for them. Just don't tell Bentley I said that ;-)

  2. No rituals here, just glad to fall into bed! Of course my Boots sleeps on my pillow with me. Glad my Mr. dosen't mind!

  3. We all have our rituals, I guess. I love them though. :)

  4. That sweet Bentley, at least he'll move over! My cat Peeka sleeps with me, and scratches the covers until "I" move over!!! LOL
    Big hugs to you both,

    1. Peeka sounds like a scamp. I love scamps!! Thanks for stopping by Patti.

  5. Everyone has their own ritual. I go back to the bedroom around 7 p.m., after I've done my yoga and shower and ate and fed the pupsters. I am usually online, but sometimes I'm reading a book. I usually have the TV (only one in the place) tuned to one of the Law & Order reruns or Criminal Minds.

    1. That sounds like a great wind down routine. I love to get cozy early. The only difference is that I have to take Bentley for a wlak at 9 PM. We walk for 20 minutes and then I can get ready for bed. Like you, I am hooked on crime shows!

  6. The only ritual I have is falling asleep..........LOL

  7. I always have water by the bed, but it must have a lid on it or Charlie dips a paw in there! Then I prop up on lots of pillows and read. Charlie usually curls up at the bottom of the bed but sometimes gets in a place I have to move him...poor kitty!

  8. okay, my comment was lost twice so I think I will just go back to bed. xo Laura

  9. My Waldo waits until I get settled in bed and then he lay's right next to me. After I am sleeping I feel Lili get up on the end of the bed. My babies are ROTTEN. But I do feel safe and know that no one is going to come into my room with them there. Since I am older and live alone, I feel very safe. I also have to have a bottle of water by the bed.
    Have a terrific weekend.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.