Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sunday Lunch Tablescape

Setting the table for an elegant dinner brings back lots of memories for
me now.  A mix of memories both old and new.  I have things that 
belonged to my Grandmother, my Mother and me.  Three generations at
one table.  When I was growing up Sunday lunch was a tradition.
The table was set early, a roast was in the oven and off to church we
would go.

We called it Sunday Lunch.  It was a fairly formal affair.  Out came the
good linens, china, crystal and silver.  You can't see them very well but
the antique crystal candle sticks belonged to my Grandmother.

We often used this china which belonged to my Mom.  I love this pattern
and have not seen it before. The peonies are so pretty.  

Mom's Hungarian water goblets that come in many soft colors.  This
pink one is one of my favorites.  I always wanted the pink goblet.
Fortunately there is more than one.

Little individual salt and pepper shakers.

Those are my crystal knife rests.  Such a handy way to rest the knife
and keep the linens stain free.

The sterling is flatware is mine too.  It is a Kirk Stieff pattern from
colonial Williamsburg.  It's no longer being made sadly.  I believe the
company is now out of business.  So sad.  It was a wonderful old
silver manufacturer.  Oh no, I am mistaken.  They are still in 
business, just not making this pattern any more.

My Mom's coffee service on my Grandmother's silver tray.

I love this old butler's tray.  It really is useful.

Pearl handled spoons that belonged to my Mother-in-Law.  

My Daddy looked like a sweet old English gentleman.  He was
very "old school" and liked to have an after dinner drink ... 

with his coffee which Mom and Daddy would enjoy in what my
Mom always called the drawing room.  While my Grandmother was
alive she had dinner with us too.  After Sunday lunch, the dishes were
cleared and washed.  Sunday dresses and suits were changed for 
casual clothes and the rest of the day was free for Sunday rides in the
country or whatever.  It was a lovely tradition that created lovely
memories.  Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me.

For all those years, we always had a little dog that enjoyed
sitting under the table for Sunday Lunch.  Each one of them
was quiet and waited patiently for their lunch too, just like
Bentley does today. 

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. Such sweet memories, Susan. Every detail of your Sunday lunch table speaks of your heart and the appreciation you have for the treasures passed down from your mother, grandmother, and mother-in-law. The peony china is very pretty. I, too, have never seen this pattern. Love the simplicity of the sterling flatware, the gorgeous crystal, and the crisp linens. You have every thing available to set a wonderful Sunday lunch table.

  2. Such a lovely table you set, Sister! Every single element is just perfect!
    Bentley, did you get some of Momma's yummy lunch?

  3. This is an exquisite table, and I loved hearing about the memories it inspired. How very fortunate you are to have so many special pieces that only can be used to set a beautiful table, but also keep the memories alive of those who cherished them before you. The china, crystal goblets, candlesticks, silverware: everything comes together so well. Thank you for sharing all your "lovelies". Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  4. This sounds so familiar, Sunday southern traditions. Your family had many as your story shows with all the family heirloom treasures. Every detail is beautiful on your table, I especially love the china pattern. I know this all brings back wonderful memories. Lovely post.

  5. I so enjoyed our Sunday rides as a child. It is now one tradition that is cost prohibitive and therefore sad! Love your memories.

  6. What a nice tradition for your family I love those pink goblets they are beautiful!

  7. What a wonderful and special post! Your beautiful table and recollections were especially enjoyed today.

  8. Susan this was a lovely post...the memories were special to read about :) I just did a memory post yesterday about happenings on my front porch...perhaps memories are in the air :)

    We too had after church Sunday rituals at my grandmother's ...your post and your special memories made me think of my grandparents and those happy times with my cousins as we all gathered there :)

  9. This is a lovely, sweet post, Susan. I love remembering family times and traditions. Your table is absolutely gorgeous; everything on it is beautiful. Those peony dishes really are so pretty; I can see why you like them. :) Your new house is so perfect for setting an elegant, formal table like this. It's fun to play in the dishes, isn't it? :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. You have some great memories. It's so lovely that you have three generations of table settings on your beautiful table.

  11. This is just such a pretty table love love the dish pattern and the goblets are to die for I wish I had dishes from three generations. treasure your traditions they are lovely to pass down.Susie

  12. What wonderful memories! I love the tradition that your family had.. We always had a Sunday roast after church too but mom didn't set up the formal table. Your table is beautiful and I love the story of each detail.

  13. Where have our traditions gone? I too remember Sunday dinners and long for them again. It's just not the same without my family near.
    I love your china and your crystal makes everything sparkle. Your table is both beautiful and elegant! Hold on to those memories!
    Thanks for stopping by......
    Blessings My Friend,

  14. Hi Susan, Your memories are much like my family except our grandparents lived far away from us. However, my mom was very traditional and Sunday dinner was good china and lovely table settings. My mother's mom did the same. Traditions just go on and on in a lovely way. The pink goblet is beautiful and so are the wonderful things you shared. I still set a pretty table for any occasion when ever I can. Thanks for the memories.

  15. Oh Susan, I love your wonderful memories. They remind me of some of our Sunday dinners, from years ago. Those pearl-handled spoons caught my eye right away and the china pattern is one of the prettiest I've seen. Thank you for a lovely Sunday lunch. Hugs, Terri

  16. What wonderful Sunday Lunch memories you have shared. The table setting with china, crystal, silver and all is so beautiful. You are very fortunate to have these heirloom treasures. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  17. Gorgeous table setting ...I think I have china, cutlery, crystal it all...HPS Michelle

  18. Gorgeous china pattern! Love the elegance of this setting. Love the crystal, the tea set, the embroidered linen napkins. So lovely!!


  19. Your china is so beautiful! Very nice tablescape!

  20. The china, the crystal, the silver, all just stunning. I loved the linens elegant! I gave my good King Richard to my daughter..and I'm glad I did. I saw yours and admit to a bit of a pang..but I could not say no to her. Now she is gone..and I thank God I let her have it..and now my granddaughter is enjoying it. What a beautifully set table.

    1. I think you did the right thing by giving your daughter your good King Richard. I am so glad that she enjoyed it while she did and that your granddaughter is now doing the same. I think that some of the best memories we all have are those that include our family and friends around a dinner table.

  21. It is so beautiful that you have all of these treasures to remind you of the good times past. Not everyone has that good fortune, and those of us who do and really appreciate it....I think it's wonderful. My hope is that all of the beautiful things that you have amassed from your predecessors and those that you have bought and loved will be cherished by your offspring and their offspring and so on for centuries to come. It's neat to think that some of the dishes we have right now in our possession will be looked at longingly and lovingly 100 or 200 years from now.

    Your mother-in-law's pearl handled spoons are fabulous! Your Mother's china is so pretty with the peony motif. And I love the thought of your Mom & Dad retiring to the drawing room after the meal to sip their respective drinks. So wonderfully proper!

    I'm glad you got the chance to set this nostalgically rich and beautiful table to show off those beautiful new drapes!!!

  22. What a gorgeous table you have set. So many fond memories are held round the table.

  23. I know! I am way beyond late getting here too visit, but I didn't want to miss this post. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan.♥

    Your table is exquisite. That is one of the prettiest china patterns I have ever seen. Like you, I have so many family things, and I also treasure each and every one. I try to carry our Sunday dinner tradition. My grandson has labeled it Sunday Family Dinner. He always has nice compliments for our dinner and the way I set the table. My grandmother had similar candleholders. One of my aunts got them, but she didn't keep them. I always loved the hanging prisms when I was a little girl.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.