Friday, August 1, 2014

Fluffing the Cottage Friday

Don't you love Fridays?  All the anticipation of a fun weekend.  
I like to walk around my house and fluff everything up to make
it look friendly and cozy.

Little loving tweaks here and there.  

It's kind of a dreamy little ritual for me.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone and a happy first day of August!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your fluffing looks quite cozy. Hope Bentley has been good and not rolled in anything stinky.

  2. Great ritual. I'm sure everyone who enters appreciates it. :) Have a nice weekend, Susan. Deb

  3. Susan & Bentley,:-)
    I do love Fridays !! I always know that Saturdays are mine and hubby's day to run around and get into who knows what?! Tomorrow, its off to a nearby town for an auction and some antique stores, yeah! Hope you have a wonderful weekend too, love all your pictures of your lovely cottage.( Oh and of course Bentley too ;-) )
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  4. You do such a beautiful job of tweaking! Everything is just right for Friday and Saturday. Enjoyed your lovely presentation photos. Happy Pink Saturday.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  5. You tweak quite well! LOVE that dog print!!!!!
    Such lovely collections, Susan. Give B a hug
    from D and I!!!

  6. Happy 1st day of August to you, Susan and Bentley. "Rabbit, Rabbit" ;-)

  7. Such beautiful shots! I wish I could stop by for a weekend visit.

    - Alma, The Tablescaaper

  8. G'day! Thanks for sharing at our #SayGdayParty!
    Please remember to go back and comment on some other people's submissions to the party and of course, we hope you are following Natasha and me on Pinterest; comments and shares show you care! Cheers! Joanne @What's On The List

  9. Your pretty post makes me want to get up and go "fluffing"! I love that pink and white quilt.

  10. I am in love with your home and décor aesthetic!! Looking at your pictures always makes me feel so peaceful and cozy....and yes, welcome!!
    Blessings to you,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.