Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Time For Tea And A Mystery

It has been really hot here.  So hot it's not any fun to be 
outside.  Every morning I get up early and finish all of my
must do's.  Then in the mid afternoon I carve out a bit of
time just for me.  On some days all I want to do is sit
down, put my feet up and have a cup of tea and pick up
a cozy mystery.

This past Saturday when we were shopping in Houston, we
stopped by one of my favorite shops ~ 
British Isles.  I am so glad this shop is still on Rice Blvd.
I used to shop there years ago while I lived in Houston and 
I used to save my money to pick up something there
whenever I could.  On Saturday I picked up these cute
cups and saucers by Roy Kirkham Tableware.  These 
cups honor the Mini Cooper.  We used to have one but we
sold it when we moved down to Texas.  

I love cups with saucers because it gives me a place to rest a
spoon and maybe a cookie too.  These cups are really big so
I don't have to refill with tea or coffee so often.  A big plus
when I am involved in a cozy mystery.

Over the years I think I have read all of the Agatha Christie 
mysteries and many of the Dorothy L Sayers too.  I will 
pretty much read anything that takes place in a darling little
English village.  I am a big fan of Aunt Dimity.   

I just picked up this Jennie Bentley cozy.  I have not read this
author before but was intrigued by her character of Avery Baker
who was a textile designer and is now renovating her aunt's 
vintage Maine cottage.

Wish you were here to join me.  

I have a comfy chair for you too.

If you enjoy cozy mysteries and need some ideas of what to
read next try this site Cozy Mystery.  It's a great resource.

A Bentley update.  My little peanut has been a very
good boy and has stayed out of cat poo in the backyard.
Some of you may be wondering if we have a cat.  No
we don't, but there are stray cats in our neighborhood
who wander in and out of our yards.  They are feral and
we all kind of look out for them.  My husband does not
like cats and neither does Bentley, but I like them.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, the next time you make your run to British Isles, check out Murder By The Book. It is just "down the street and round the corner" on Bissonnet. ... cozy mystery heaven and more! Love your new teacups.

    1. Thanks so much for the tip! I will make a point of stopping there the next time we are in Houston. One of David's very best friends lives in West U ~ so close by and we need to visit Sean and his wife, so I will have a good excuse for stopping in!!

  2. Vet told me that dogs can't resist cat poop. But usually they eat it, not roll in it!

  3. We have a lot in common, I have every book Agatha Christie wrote, I think and a few Dorothy L Sayers.
    We had Mini when first married and both the beer fairy and I worked at British Leylands at Zetlands.

  4. Ok, I have been telling Dano that the perfect car for our Florida home would be a ........ wait for it! Mini Cooper!!! Of course, it would, lol!!!

  5. Oh I just LOVE these darling teacups. Since I am moving to Texas I have put the shop on my "must visit" list.
    I hope you are enjoying the summer.

  6. Susan, I can imagine that the Texas heat is difficult after living in the north west. Believe it or not, we are actually having a very mild summer compared to recent ones. Like you though, I get my errand and chores done in the morning and spend the afternoons inside reading and relaxing.. Your library looks perfectly inviting for a cozy afternoon of tea and a good book. Love the new cups and saucers.

  7. We do the same here, get the chores done in the cool of the morning and spend the rest of the day inside relaxing and doing some busy work. Its all you can do in the intense heat of the day. Love how the green table turned out!!! Would love to join you for tea in those neat cups and solve mysteries!!!

  8. I love a cup of tea and a mystery! Stunning room. x

  9. I love the British Isles shop! We discovered it when our daughter attended Rice, and now that she and her family live in Houston, I try to get there several times a year. Such a fun store to browse! My daughter knows any gift she buys there will delight me!

  10. I'm a big lover of tea, as well, especially when related to all things British! Your setting looks delightful too - such cozy floral chairs and surrounded by books and plates... :-)


  11. My thoughts exactly, tea and a mystery. Although I am usually found in the afternoon found upstairs in "Library", book room as the grand children call it, doing needlework and having someone read me the book on CD. Have you read Emily Brightwell, silly Victorian mystery series about a housekeeper who solves cases with her staff. Not on CD but porch reading. She works for a Scotland Yard inspector .

  12. I'd love a cup of tea please. Those teacups are adorable and I love any books that take place in the English countryside!
    Your home is so cosy.

  13. Love the cups and saucers. I am not familiar with that line but so loved browsing the web site!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  14. The backdrop looks less like you're in Texas and more like you're smack dab in the middle of England!!! Seriously! It's beautiful!!! I think the tea setting just enhanced it all, but it totally looks like a British invasion in the heart of Texas! :-) It has that wonderful "collected" look that I love so much. Pinning just to keep my sights on that look!

  15. Thanks for the tip on Jennie Bentley - got the first one and am really enjoying it. And...of course, Aunt Dimity is an all-time favorite! I've been hooked on mysteries/cozies since Nancy Drew, then was given a few Agatha Christie books about 40 years ago and read them for years - I still reread them on occasion.

  16. This looks very cozy indeed! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  17. Susan, the cups are so unique! And how fun that you have that connection with them. Putting my feed up and reading a good mystery sounds like a little bit of heaven to me!! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Glad Bentley is being a good puppy!

  18. We love a good British murder with our tea. We would be lost if we didn't keep up with our British PBS shows when our customers come in wanting to find items seen on these shows. I want to curl up in one of those chairs and and ship some tea now...

  19. Absolutely adore Christy and Sayers. So much so I've written nine cozy mysteries based on their inspiration. All my books serve afternoon tea and take place in the most gentile places here and abroad. I also never tire of using my teacup collection in the ritual of afternoon tea.
    Cheers to a lovely blog!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.