Monday, August 11, 2014

Grandma's Little Rocker

My Grandma had a little rocker up in her bedroom that I always
loved.  I believe it came from her childhood family farm in
Pennsylvania.  My Grandma was a tiny little woman and this chair
was was perfect for her.  

It originally was stained a dark brown.  When I decided to put it in
our master bedroom I chose to lighten it up.  

So here it is now.  See that little pillow?  That was my down filled
baby pillow.  

I always smile when I think of my Grandma.  She had the sunniest
disposition.  She laughed and told humorous stories from sun up till
sundown.  She was always very active in her women's club.  She
was appointed the Director of Good Cheer.  When I look through
her old albums I find so many pictures of Grandma and Grandpa
with their friends and family enjoying their lives together.  I can
guarantee if she were here right now she would have some funny
little story to tell about this rocker.  She had a story for everything.
Wish I could remember them all.

Have a happy week!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh Susan, you know this tugged at my heart. How wonderful you have her little rocker and I love the picture of you two. My Grandma was tiny to, and had a tiny rocker always in her room that is now in my guest room. Being sentimental can be a good thing for the heart. Thanks for sharing

  2. I have a very similar one from my grandmother. Ladies rockers were made for women back in the day. :)
    xo Laura

  3. I have one just like it only the seat is upholstered. I got it about 40 years ago at a rummage sale at the church of the Latter Day Saints.
    I think I only paid $10.00. My elderly neighbor said that it was a sewing rocker. Yours looks wonderful - I need to fix mine up now that I see how pretty yours is.

  4. What sweet memories! Grandmothers are the best! It's so nice that you have something that she enjoyed using, that makes it extra special. I love the color too!

    Susan, I did a January post on my red & white quilt that my husbands cousin made for us. We love it!

  5. Susan, how special that you have this rocker from your grandmother and also your baby pillow. You are as sentimental as I am. Ha!
    I also have a rocker from my grandmother. It's one of the few family pieces I own. Perhaps I'll post about it one day soon. You've inspired me. Thanks!

  6. Such sweet memories. I love the color you painted the rocker..and that little pillow...awww so sweet.. I have a BIG rocker that belonged to my Grandmother...and my Mama rocked my oldest daughter in it as a baby...39 years ago..

    Love, Mona

  7. painting the rocker a sunny color seems to lift it like Grandma was laughing right there.

  8. This is such sweet memorial to your grandmother. I love that she was elected "Director of Good Cheer" of the women's club. What a legacy! I love the rocker, how you painted it, and your sweet little pillow. xxx ~ Nancy

  9. Your Granma sounds like a lovely lady and I am sure that she would delighted to know that her rocker was in your bedroom and being loved and used. xx


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