Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Toolbox Tea

It's a cloudy and quiet morning in my studio.  The soundtrack from the movie 
Miss Potter is playing in the background.  I packed up my toolbox with a 
little teapot, a favorite cup and saucer and some daisies and carried it 
back from the kitchen to my studio to begin a day of work.

I set it on my chair and it looked so cute I thought I would share a few
pics of it with you.  Bentley is still outside exploring his garden after
last night's rain.  As soon as I let him back inside he will insist that I
remove this tool box immediately because after all he has claimed 
this chair for his own and must take a morning nap there while I am
working at my desk.

Bentley is very particular about his schedule and does not like to have it
interrupted by my decorating whims.  And he is so sweet, how can I refuse?

I just heard his woof at the porch door.  One last pic before the little
peanut returns for his cozy morning nap.

Bentley came in and jumped right into his chair.  I wonder if he
guessed that it was occupied while he was gone ???

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Too cute in every way.

    I do hope Bentley allowed you to finish your tea? : - )

    Have a wonderful day, Susan!

  2. I love old tool boxes. I've picked up a couple in the last few years. Your setting is perfect for an early morning read.

    Jocelyn @

  3. They do rule the house, our pets.

  4. Love the colors! :)
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Daisies always bring a smile. The toolbox tea is a cute idea. Hope Bentley had a good 'ol snooze. Deb

  6. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Great photos. Everything pulled together so nicely.

  7. This toolbox is so cute did you refinish it yourself or did you buy it like this? Bentley is so adorable .of course he claims the chair as is isn't it his right?Susie

  8. Soothing colors ~ lovely! Did you get a lot of work done? I love cloudy days and especially if it rains!
    ♥ Jil

  9. I love that little toolbox ALmost as much as you love it. :) It looks so adorable, no mater what's in it...
    happy pinks..
    and I always glance at your daddy, swinging you...I miss my daddy, too. bwaaaaa

  10. I'm certain Bentley noticed a bit of extra warmth from the teapot that had been resting on his favorite chair.


  11. What a cute idea. I am not creative, and would never have thought of using a tool box in this manner.

  12. Love the toolbox tea..delightful...HPS Michelle

  13. The tool box is adorable. Love the pictures you have taken of it. I understand completely how your little feller is. My two little Terrorists (that is what I call them) are the same. They rule my home. Have a wonderful weekend. Karie

  14. So beautiful.



  15. Another beautiful post and idea, Susan! Thanks for sharing it at the Say G'Day Saturday Linky Party. I've just tweeted about it!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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