Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Muse Is Tugging My Sleeve

My muse has been spending time with me all morning.  Tugging my
sleeve, encouraging day dreams, keeping me from dealing with any
sort of reality.  

My muse can be very jealous.  When she wants my attention, she will be
quite cross if I deny her.  

So I am giving into her wishes and letting my inner voice
win out over any other voices around me.  

For I have come to trust her and know that when I listen closely to
her whispers, all sorts of creative paths are cleared for me.

Have you listened to your muse lately?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I think mine has been shouting at me, but I haven't had time to answer her.

    1. She won't quit until you do, bu if you ignore her for too long she will get mad and stay away for a while.

  2. Don't know.. I am to busy to listen sometimes!

  3. I try to spend time each day listening to mine. xo Laura

  4. Mine has gone missing. Do you think she is hanging with yours?


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.