Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Am Feeling So Sad Today

I had an entirely different post planned for today, but I am just too sad
to publish it.  After learning that yet another American journalist has
been beheaded by ISIS, I am sickened.

Just last week the mother of Steven Sotloff pleaded with his captors for the
life of her son.  I cannot imagine her pain.

There are other journalists being held.  I am praying that they will not
meet this same fate.  I hope that the leadership in Washington has 
a comprehensive plan to address this horrific situation.  Just one week
from this coming Thursday is the 13th anniversary of 9/11.  I am
praying that there are no attacks on our country.  

For those of you who are displeased when you come to my blog
and I discuss topics other than the light hearted ones, I am sorry.
I am not in the mood today.  Maybe tomorrow.

God Bless Us All,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sending a {{hug}} from a stranger in the hill country - I can barely stand to watch/read/listen to news anymore, because it's all so disheartening. But I don't want to have my head in the sand either, so I do check out what's happening in the world, sigh. I have tried to spend more time in prayer, and remind myself that I do believe God has a plan, we're just not privy to it. The world is a sad and frightening place, but there is also boundless beauty and love which is what I try to look for when I'm feeling despondent. Scratch Bentley's ears (or belly, or any favorite spot), and hang in there.


    1. Thank you. It makes me feel better just to share the burden. It's good to know I have friends in the hill country. I try to find happy things too, but today learning of this slaying of yet another innocent man is heartbreaking.

  2. I am not displeased, I like that we can also talk about life! Does blogging mean we shouldn't discuss the harsh realities of life? Lately the harsh realities are just too many. We need our leader to step up and do the job he was intended to do, protect this great nation. I will be nervous all day on the 11th not knowing what could happen, I'm also uneasy because I've read articles that say ISIS is targeting Chicago and I am in the suburb outside Chicago. God bless us all, he must be very sad seeing what is happening.

    1. I grew up on the North Shore of Chicago. I still have friends there and my Aunt and cousins live in the city. I love my hometown and am terrified that it may be a target.

  3. It's truly heartbreaking. Praying for the many families grieving their loved ones.

    1. Thank you for your prayers. I believe in prayer and I believe that God listens.

  4. Oh Susan, we would all love to hear only good news and think fun, happy thoughts all the time; but life is just not like that. I, too, don't feel right sticking my head in the sand. My husband has already mentioned to me that the anniversary of 9/11 is coming up, and two years ago we had the attack in Bengazhi. It's frightening and depressing. As far as our "leader" having a comprehensive plan for all this, I'm afraid not. He's pretty much said as much. He's just trying to improve his golf game.

    Thank you for being honest in your blog posts -- I respect that.

    Denise at Forest Manor

    1. Thanks Denise. We live in difficult times. I appreciate that you let me vent now and again.

  5. Well, I've been out with a friend having lunch, and this is the first I've heard of this. What a barbaric society that would do such a despicable thing. Savages in my book. I'm so sorry to read this. And we should face the harsh realities of the times we currently live in.

    1. We like to think that we live in a civilized and rational world, but sadly we do not. My heart goes out to the mother who pleaded for her son's life to be spared. And to the mother of James Foley as well. It's always an unrelenting heartache to lose a child, but to lose one in such an inhumane way seems to be unbearable.

  6. I do want to add: I don't know what should be done by the American government. But I'm not going to judge them because I'm not in their shoes with the knowledge they have that I don't.

    1. I can understand your position. I just hope that we do not have any attacks on our country next week.

  7. I agree Brenda. We have no idea whats in the works and what goes on behind the photo ops of our leaders while they are probably doing more than we can ever imagine or conceive of.. a I remember it out President appeared to be having a good time at the yearly press awards while he also had plans for FINALLY taking out Bin Laden within 48 hours~! Something the former administration couldnt or wouldnt do...
    again we arent walking in those mocassins and have no clue as to the massive efforts to keep this country safe.. Do those measures always work? nope, they didnt on 9/11 and umm Obama wasnt the president then...
    Tradgedies can happen and have happened thru the years regardless of who may be Prez at the time..
    Hope for the best and plan for the worst , is all any of us can do and that includes our leaders...

  8. I feel ya, Susan.

    Unfortunately our government has been noted as saying that ISIS is really not a threat or danger whatsoever to us, and is doing absolutely nothing.

    "President Obama was given detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of the Islamic State as part of his daily briefing for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer, a former Pentagon official told Fox News.....The source said "[we] were ready to fire, on a moment's notice, on a couple hundred targets," but no order was given. In some cases, targets were tracked for a "long period of time" but then slipped away." Fox News online

    I yearn for the mindset of "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts,"

    Now that truly was a true leader. Just sayin.

    Thanking God and the Veterans for our freedoms of speech. I don'rt know how long we will have them if we don't act soon - terrorism grows daily, and we need to be as vigilant as our country's founding leaders were back hundreds of years ago! Divide us and we lose, United We Stand. Satan is doing everything in his power to divide us, starting with family and spreading to the entire world as we know it.

    God save us all!


  9. The first reporter to die is from our state of NH. I did not watch the video nor will I ever. There has to be something done swift and strong. And it should have been done weeks ago. How many Americans have to die? They are taking unarmed men and killing them how very brave of them. Our government can not say to the public we don't have a plan right now, that is not leadership! those thugs are in this country and if something is not done and soon it will be happening here.
    Sorry if I hurt feelings but it is how I feel and many American's feel.

    1. I read that James Foley was from NH. I also read that he was a graduate of Northwestern University which is right near where I grew up. Don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings. You are free to speak your mind on my blog, as is everyone else. I believe that each of us has a right to our own opinions and that we learn from one another. That is the cornerstone of a free society.

  10. I will just say amen to what Michele said about the President being well informed and like with most urgencies he doesn't lead! One really has to wonder who he cares about protecting!

    1. I am praying that he does have a plan and that his plan is successful for our protection.

  11. I'm with you Susan! Such a sad state of the world today. I'm not happy with much of the president's policies and his stands.
    May God protect our country and her people.

  12. Susan, I do not understand our world right now. How can we allow this to happen to our people. I do not think our current president is taking care of business. It makes me wonder what his agenda truly is and what is the next surprise he has for the American people.

    1. Let's pray that his agenda is a wise one and will protect and preserve our freedom and our people.

  13. Sad times. There are no words :(

  14. Will there ever be peace? I dream of such a day. It is a sad day.

    1. History keeps repeating itself. There are people all over this vast world longing for peace, yet there always seem to be a few who are not happy unless they have power and control. I believe that ISIS is more about power and domination than it is about a religious ideal.

  15. What is happening overseas is horrific but we are lucky we do not live in these countries, any religion is ok by me as long as it doesn't harm other people who think differently to them.

    1. I so agree. Back in college I remember taking a course on comparative religions. There is something good about all of the faiths. Sadly, there are some who twist the tenets for their own gain.

  16. Hi Susan.... You are so sweet and caring - It is your blog and you can post anything you like and shouldn't have to apologize. It is beyond evil and I think it is (indeed) a sad day. Stay true to yourself and know your followers love you ox

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I had a post planned about a lovely shop I visited in Houston this past Saturday. When I heard about the brutal slaying of Steven Soltoff, I thought my post plans seemed frivolous and uncaring. My heart goes out to his family and the family of James Foley.

  17. A sad day with sad news. I'm with you Susan. I just don't understand the men at the top. I pray God will raise up a leader to take charge. Many leaders emerged after 9/11.......and it scares me that that anniversary is a week away......what is being planned?? Just because we don't live in those countries doesn't mean we are safe here. Can't say any more, I'm so upset, but thank you for being brave and speaking out........xoxoxo

    1. No, we can't say we are safe just because we are far away. Technology has shrunk our world. Thank you for your kind words. I don't know that I am brave, just saddened.

  18. I get you completely. I was all set to finish something to publish yesterday, and the news just got me so ferhoodled and down that I walked away from the computer for a while. It happens to me more and more often of late. The world is a mess. Our country is a mess, and I find it personally insulting when someone gets on TV, looks America in the face, and claims that things are going well. I am heartbroken for this man's family and horrified for all of us.

    And if the yahoos out there who think we can play nicely with Islam think that THEIR head would be spared, they really are living in la la land.

    I'll stick a sock in it now.

    1. We are so lucky that we have the freedom to write our blogs and to voice our opinions. I pray that never ends.

  19. We are living in very troubled times and there is no need to apologize for pointing that out. My heart grieves for the families of both men whose lives were taken in such a brutal way. And my prayers are said for those who have loved ones still in captivity; their lives are in jeopardy.

    The "life" and well being of our precious country is in jeopardy as well. Because of the policies of our current administration over the last few years we are not the strong and respected country we once were. And my heart is heavy at its slide into helplessness -- not because we cannot do what needs to be done, but because we will not do it.

    My only peace comes from knowing God is in control and He has a plan that will eventually bring peace to the whole world, but first there are going to be difficult times for us all. We need to hold fast to our faith and pray mightily.

    1. I agree that it is important to keep our faith strong now and always. Thanks for your visit Ann.

  20. I fear we will only see more of this. When the president did the prisoner swap, he made a deal with the devil. The devil preys on weakness, and this president is weak. He put our American soldiers and journalists in more danger than they already are. We should never ever make deals with terrorists!!!


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