Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shopping With Heart

This past Saturday over the Labor Day weekend, David and I drove to 
Houston for lunch and shopping.  Our first stop was to Rice Village.
I think I have mentioned before how much I love this area of Houston.
We had lunch at a charming bistro (which I will post about at a later date), 
and then walked over to some of the nearby shops.  

I was immediately drawn to a charming store front of a shop named
Olivine.  I was warmly greeted by a lovely woman named Kathy.  
Aside from the friendliness of Kathy and the beauty of the shop, I
could not help but notice that this is a shop for dog lovers too.
Look, there is darling Pipi taking a nap, completely oblivious to
our chatter and looking so sweet.

This shop is filled with lovely things.  Bella Notte linens.  Dash and Albert
rugs and more.  So much eye candy I just wished I had a van and a
big bank account to pack it all up and take it all home to Victoria.

When I asked Kathy if it would be okay to take pics for my blog, she
immediately said yes and then asked me if I knew Joni Webb of
Cote de Texas.  Joni lives nearby and shops here often.  I can see why!

Look at this wonderful selection of Le Cadeaux!  Everything 
one could want to set a beautiful outdoor tablescape, or an
indoor one too.

Beautiful flatware.

Heart these.

Lovely art work and lamps too.

This dear little guy is a rescue dog.  Kathy is fostering him right now.
He walks around with his leash so that he can get used to it.  He is still
a bit timid and is being socialized, but he seems to be adjusting
very well.  One day soon he will make a loving companion for a 
lucky person.  

Kathy told me about two organizations that assist both dogs and
their owners.  One is Corridor Rescue and the other is
Paws Houston.  Paws Houston is a particularly important site
because this organization addresses the need of pet owners who
are hospitalized and unable to care for their pets or want to be
able to see their pets during a terminal illness, etc.  The
organization arranges for visits and care.  For those of us who
love our pets and believe they are family, this is a very
comforting resource during times of need.

There is a wonderful baby section in the shop.  Just the perfect
place for a precious gift for a little one.

I have friends who will not shop in certain establishments because 
the shop owners and staff are snotty and unfriendly.  This is NOT the
case at Olivine.  I felt so welcome and enjoyed lingering not only because
of the lovely atmosphere and charming items to purchase, but because
of the warm and friendly shop keeper.  I can hardly wait to go back
the next time I am in Houston.  If you happen to find yourself in
Rice Village, be sure to stop by.

2405 Rice Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77005

Stop back to visit me tomorrow when I will show you what I
purchased.  Here's a hint ~ it is something for a tablescape!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a nice place. It reminds me of a place in Colorado. I love to go there when I am visiting.
    In re: to your post yesterday. Such a terrible thing that has happened, twice. I hope it stops soon. That with a death of a friend's son here sure dampens one's week. This young man was a military pilot He was run over by a distracted driver while changing a tire roadside. There had to have been at least 100 -150 military soldiers here in town yesterday. Also a fighter jet that did a tribute much to the surprise of my grandhildren and myself. The live directly next to the cemetery on a hill. We could have almost touched that jet. We have to concentrate on the good things and sometimes that is just hard to do. HUGS

    1. I am so very sorry to hear about the tragic death of the young military pilot. I do wonder if this distracted driver was on his or her cell phone. Distracted driving has become such a danger on our roads and highways. My heart and prayers go out to the family of this young man. More than enough sadness for you this week. Thank you for taking the time to visit me. I hope that today's post cheered you up a bit.

  2. That's my kind of place to shop! I enjoyed seeing the things they sell especially lidded jars! We had a dog visit for our daughter when she was in the hospital going through her cancer treatments in the 90's. It always lifted her spirits. I applaud people who raise these fine pets and take the time to visit people going through tough times.

  3. Susan, What a wonderful store; of course my heart was drawn to it immediately when I saw the first dog. I love stores like this; we don't have a lot locally that have dogs inside but back in Ca., Carmel always had dogs in shops. Thanks for sharing-I look forward to seeing what you bought.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. Making a note of this for my next trip to Houston. Thanks!

  5. What a wonderful shop, Susan. So glad that you had such a great day. xo Laura

  6. Oh Susan, what a great store. Sure wished I lived close by. I can see why you like this store so much. I'm with you about snooty stores - I like a warm friendly store where you can browse around and look at all the pretties.
    You and Bentley have a great rest of the week.

  7. Hi Susan,

    It makes such a difference when the owner of a beautiful shop such as this is friendly and endearing, isn't it? Sadly, there are many businesses here in Greece that are lacking in this 'come on in and have a look around', attitude, and it is not surprising that they have suffered, especially in the doom of the country's economic crisis. It really doesn't take much to smile and say a kind word to one's customers, or people in general, and it is a shame that shopkeepers who cannot demonstrate this lose business, and potential friends. Thanks for sharing this charming store.


  8. This is the second post I have read this morning about a shop that feels friendly and welcoming as opposed to the other way around. It's a treasure when you find a place like that. Right now, I would love to find one in town. The place I used to haunt is under new ownership, and I feel very unwelcome these days.

    I would love this. The dishes alone swept me away.

  9. What a lovely store and shopkeeper! The dishes are lovely!

  10. Love that she helps pets in need! We just got a puppy as my family loves dogs and ours died a few years ago. Too bad we don't live nearby I would definitely give the lovely shop a look see! SO much eye candy!
    xo Kathleen

  11. You are finding all my favorite places in and around Rice Village!

  12. They have some lovely things don't they!! xx

  13. Lovely stuff and nice atmosphere in this shop!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.