Friday, September 5, 2014

The Cozy Days of Autumn

Every season has it's theme.  Spring is for hope and renewal.
Summer is for fun and being carefree.  Winter is for celebrations
and joy.  And Autumn is for coziness and nesting after the
barefoot days of summer.

When I think of Autumn, I immediately think of crisp, ripe apples,
pumpkins and brightly colored mums.

Warm, comfy sweaters and plaids.  
The bounty of Autumn.  Squash and pumpkins in rich shades
of green, gold and orange.  

Colorful leaves crunching under my feet.

And the splendor of Autumn
over my head.

Visiting an outdoor market.

And cheerful scarecrows everywhere.

Bringing the colors of Autumn into our homes.

Brewing a cup of cinnamon stick tea after a long walk
collecting colorful leaves.

Or cooking a big pot of squash soup to serve in a
hollowed out pumpkin to enjoy the last of the 
season's outdoor dining.

Autumn to me is the hearth and home season.
A time when I look forward to the first cool crisp 
evening.  The first fire in the fireplace.
Adorable children showing up at our door
on Halloween.  Snugging with Bentley and a
cozy quilt.  Planning the Thanksgiving menu.

A beautiful time of the year!
Of course, down here in Texas with our mid 90 degree
weather, I am wondering if those cozy days will 
ever come ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Wonderful fall fun Susan! I love the "gardener" sitting on the bench!

  2. I love fall too. Just happens to include our anniversary and birthdays. Colors, cozy temps,wonderful scents........Yes.

  3. Oh Susan, beautiful pictures. I am so ready for FALL, but generally we do not have a true fall. Sometimes in the evening it gets a little chilly, but no to much.
    This week end I will be putting out my fall decorations and then close to Halloween will insert the scary things that kids love.
    That soup looks wonderful.
    Have a great weekend with David and Bentley.

  4. Beautiful post, Susan. Fall does come ... just differently. One thing I noticed when we first moved down here ... everyone seems to decorate from fall through Christmas. I'm thinking it's because fall is state of mind down here and to get into the mood of the season -- get out those decorations! Who knows?? But I'm getting out the decor -- the fall wreath is on the door and today I'm looking for my fabric pumpkins.

  5. Oh, the gardener scarecrow is so cute and funny! That's a pretty big bosom for a scarecrow! You reminded me to go to the farm stand on Monday and get apples. I love autumn as much as I love spring and summer, but I want it to come slowly and stay long. Sometimes in Illinois it will hang on until November. I always think Thanksgiving should have autumn weather. I decorated the shop for autumn tonight.

  6. You described I how feel about Fall exactly!! Lovely photos and great ideas!

  7. I love your scenes of Autumn. It is my favorite time of year. I also love the scents of Autumn and can't wait to get the newest Yankee Candles. I love the feel of Autumn with cool, morning walks. I'm looking forward to shedding some pounds!

  8. Fall is my favorite season. The colors, the cool days and bright blues skies. You have aptly captured the feeling in your photos.

  9. What pretty photos, Susan. It has been hot here, too. I am enjoying each day. xo Laura

  10. So looking forward to cooler days! Love the tea tray adn the table setting. Soup from a pumpkin, a feast for the eyes too. Linda @

  11. Beautiful post Susan. Love the shot of the pumpkin as the sun is streaming in the window...lovely!

  12. I'm starting to feel the same way, Susan. It's supposed to hit 87 here today. It is h-o-t out there right now!!! We're going to start to cool way down, though, after today. Thank goodness for that! With my cousin's fundraiser being held outdoors on Saturday, we need good weather. Expecting 67 and sunny. Hooray!!!

    You've shown some photos here that really make me want to jump right into fall!!! Beautiful!

    I hope everything went well last night.


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