Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Memorial Service for My Mom

I am attending a memorial service this afternoon that is arranged by
the Hospice for South Texas for all of those who died while under their 
care in the past eight months.  My Mom was one of those.  I
want to thank them for remembering her and all the other loved ones
who have passed on this past year.

I miss you Mama.

Susan and Bentley


  1. That's a lovely thing for the Hospice to do ! I miss my mum to and it has been 6 years . We will never forget them and they will always be in our hearts !

  2. What a beautiful picture of your mother. I know the hurt of her being gone is still painfully raw. Cry some tears, it's okay. Hugs and prayers, -Bev

  3. Susan, you are in my thoughts. That's a beautiful photo of your mother. I know you miss her! ~ Sarah

  4. Oh Susan, what a beautiful picture of your mother, what a lovely lady. How very nice of Hospice to have a Memorial Service for those that have passed. I know you miss her so much, but remember she will always be in your heart and with you.

  5. Hi Susan (and Bentley too) - What a beautiful lady, and how sweet of hospice for this memorial service. Thank you for sharing and extra big hugs to you today. Hugs, Holly

  6. Susan, I see where you got your beauty from. What a wonderful thing for hospice to do. Sweet hugs, Laura

  7. Hello Susan.

    I've visited many times but this is the first time I commented. Your Mom is beautiful. I hope this service gave you and your family much comfort. My Mom passed at the end of April so please know that I understand and my heartfelt prayers are truly with you.

    ~ Cassandra from Renaissance Women

  8. I completely understand, and I'm sending virtual hugs and butterfly kisses on your little head. Chin up, young person. And I concur...your Mother was a very pretty woman. I know your heart must ache.

  9. She looks like a movie star. I'm sorry for your loss. xoxoxo


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.