Monday, September 8, 2014

The Fall Wreath on My Front Door

I cannot take credit for this wreath.   My Mom made it.  I think it looks
nice hanging on my barn red front door.  She loved flower arranging
and creating wreaths.  

I am trying to ease my way into fall despite the 94 degree day we are expecting
here again today.  I am adding a few touches of fall to the inside too.  
Little touches here are there that I will be sharing with you starting this week.
In the meantime, I am going back inside for a tall glass of sweet tea!
Y'all have a great Monday!!

Bentley has been in and out all morning.  He's really pooped out
now and is taking his afternoon nap.  What a life!
If it turns out reincarnation is true ~ I am coming back as
a Yorkie!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. This wreath is lovely and so special from your Mom. I've been so busy redecorating my sewing room, no seasonal decorating has been started.

    1. I am looking forward to seeing your sewing room Ann! Thanks for taking time out of decorating your room to stop by for a visit.

  2. Such a pretty wreath--and so much more special that your Mom created it.You are so lucky to have it! Love how it looks on a red door--just like mine--I love a red door! And today I am starting to decorate with the help of our three Grandchildren. Not a whole lot of help--I have quite a mess to take care of--but they have been in NY all summer since their Daddy has been working on a project and I missed them so I don;t want to keep saying No. And what's a little clean up any way.....

    1. Thanks Sandy. I love a red door too. What fun you must be having with your three grandchildren visiting your home. Nothing quite like little ones around to brighten a day!

  3. Hot and humid here too. I've been wanting to get started cleaning my flower beds etc. in the yard before I decorate my porches for fall. But I refuse! to do it in this HEAT! ENOUGH ALREADY! Looking forward to seeing more of your fallish endevors. lol (oops! Did I spell that right?) Jenny S.

  4. You are up to date, I've still got my christmas one hanging up.

  5. A very pretty wreath and it does look good on your door. Nice to have things from your Mom to help you get through these holidays.

  6. I love it. The color of the grapevine is really pretty and different to me. I wonder if it's bleached? I just bleached some pine cones, and now I am wondering if I could bleach out a grape vine wreath too. Hmmm. My mom does most of my door wreaths for me, too. She is really good at it, and I. Am. Not.

  7. Beautiful fall wreath, Susan. Your Mom was a talented lady! Our pets sure do have the life, don't they?

  8. Very pretty. Your mom does good work!

  9. beautiful fall.....

  10. In has become increasingly popular today for wreaths to be seen on front doors of many homes. There wreaths can be made out of many different materials, while the one in the blog is made out of hay. The wreath is decorated with an assortment of fall items such as pinecones, acorns and different types of berries and items that grow in the fall.

    Earl Mark @ Eastway Lock


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