Monday, September 29, 2014

Vintage Dog Collection

It certainly is no secret that I love dogs.  I especially love terriers, not only
the real ones but the vintage collectible ones too.  I have a few vintage
dog prints and I decided to group them together with my chalk dog 
and a basket full of hydrangeas.

This grouping is now in the master bedroom atop an old highboy
dresser.  Just makes me smile.

Bentley and I are working on a children's book together 
in addition to my novel.  The idea came to use while we
were going for our evening walk together.  Bentley likes
the idea because he is the main character ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Lovely connection. Can't wait to hear about your new book. Give Bentley a pat on his furry head for me.

    1. I will happily give Bentley a pat from you and he thanks you for it!

  2. It made me smile too! A book featuring Bentley is a must read!

    1. Bentley and I had a little discussion about the idea last night. I knew that he approved by the way he rested his chin on my arm and listened to each and every word.

  3. What a sweet collection! I can totally see a children's book staring Bentley!!!

  4. The vignette is lovely! It would make me smile too! Love the idea of a book staring Bentley. I can read it to Sadie. ;-)

    1. Bentley will send Sadie an "autographed" copy ~ or should I say paw graphed ;-)

  5. How cool is that. Gramma use to have one somewhere
    Lily & Edward

  6. I love that ceramic pup is just too darling for words! I think you should totally write a children's book! How fun! :)

    1. Thanks Kim. I have spent time as a both an elementary school teacher and as a volunteer storyteller for the community. It's about time I wrote my own book ;-)

  7. What a sweet vignette! I always love these little ceramics that I see here and there. I love the print that you paired with it too!

  8. Lovely! I am a big fan of terriers also, and enjoy collecting vintage pictures of them also. Yours are wonderful. A Bentley book would be a great read. Jane

  9. I love all your doggy things, as I love terriers too.

  10. So sweet! I LOVE dogs as well. Bringing out the smiles is what dogs are best at .... and melting hearts :)


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