Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mayberry Moments

The news is so depressing these days that I have decided that we all 
need a break from the disease, war, terror and murders.  So …
here are some Mayberry Moments ~ a chance for us to take a breath 
and step into a peaceful world where problems are overcome by a
chat on the porch and a slice of pie.  

Each season brings a flood of happy memories, but for some reason,
fall seems to bring back the most for me.  Happy days at school.  Warm
and cozy sweaters.  If I hear a certain song on the radio I am suddenly in
my dorm room back in college.  Happy, fuzzy memories.

Time seems to speed up during this season.  So much to do.  So much to 
look forward to.  We have to remind ourselves to slow down and take it
all in.  

I am so thankful for everything I have.  The really important things like
my family, my friends and good health.  I have found myself lost in
prayer so often these days.  Thanking God for each blessed moment.
Sharing my happiness with Him.  Each time I see a neighbor who waves
hello, happiness fills my heart.  Simple gestures like a wave and a 
smile make life grand.  

So despite the not so pleasant news, we have each other.  We can do our
best to make each day a happy one.  Even though we may not have the
opportunity to share the same porch, we can share our joy and happiness
and our Mayberry Moments for a while to restore our souls.
Thanks for visiting.  Bentley and I wish you a very happy October 1st.
Bentley and I will start making Mayberry Moments a weekly feature.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Good day Susan and Bentley - I thoroughly enjoyed your post today! We so often, spend so much time on the negative aspects of life when we have so much to be thankful for. I include your friendship in that list.


  2. Great post Susan and I agree with you about the news. It is to depressing to ponder on that all day.
    Have a Happy Day.

  3. All so true Susan, love the Mayberry Moments idea!

  4. I will love Mayberry moments!!! Do you know that on our trip to Fla, we were 15 minutes from Mt. Airy, NC??? We might plan to stop on the way home!!!
    xoxo, Bentley

  5. Looking very much forward to future Mayberry Moments. The town from one of my all time favorite shows. Good ol' Andy! As for the pie, make mine peach & I'm there. BTW, another lovely cabinet in this post. I think you forgot about the other one you were gonna take a full picture of for me. That's alright though, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Thanks for the lovely pics & sharing in this one. You're a dear.

  6. Thank you for a few minutes of positive energy. I agree we live in a stressful time. I look forward to visiting Mayberry each week !

  7. Found the blog with the aforementioned cabinet. It was on September 09, 2014, Chatty Moments... You say its's your spice cabinet so if you do get a chance I'd still love a few snapshots of it. Thanks.

  8. Boy am I blind or what?! I just noticed the spice cabinet at the beginning of this blog. I would still love if you could get the whole cabinet in the pic. Thanks again.

  9. I post about this often I turn off the news and make sure I take time for family and friends. We are staying close to home and enjoying where we live, counting our blessings every day.

  10. I have saved screen shots when I feel overwhelmed with the news of the world. I click on the folder and sink into the photos, mostly old cabins with stone and comfy chairs. I always feel better, of course checking out the latest photos from " The murmuring Cottage" is wonderful too.

  11. I, for one, hope you do make Mayberry Moments a regular feature...once a week, once a month, whatever. We could all use a little levity in our lives. You are so right about the bad news that seems to come at us in surround sound day in and day out. It's just awful and can really put me in a down mood. Something fun and uplifting (and pretty!) like this is just what the doctor ordered! (Literally...Ramon said I need to stop tuning in to all the gloom & doom and find something to smile about!)

    I love this post, Susan. Thank you for a little slice of goodness! Have a great weekend!

  12. I love this post. It is so comforting. . .Yes, a Mayberry comfort. I hope you do it each week. I am so tired of all the discord in the world today, that I have to take a break from the news reports. It is good to look around and see the simple things in life that make us smile and happy. Just as you said a wave from a neighbor can cheer our soul. Thanks you so much for the uplifting moment I spent reading your blog. By the way I love your blog. Hugs, Karie

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