Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another Mayberry Moment

So glad y'all stopped by.  I woke up this morning to more bad news

Another case of Ebola in Dallas
War in the middle east is intensifying and Baghdad is threatened

I need a Mayberry moment!!!  So sit down for a bit and let's pretend 
that the world is a kinder, friendlier and happier place where problems 
can be solved by a slice of Aunt Bea's pie and Andy's wisdom.

Click here to get you in a laid back mood.

Here is my recipe for too much bad news.
The first thing we need is some comfort food.  So
today I am going to make a tuna noodle casserole.
Now you might be thinking that's not very gourmet.
Well you are right!  But my prescription for a bad news
day is plain old comfort.  While David is on the golf
course playing in a tournament, I am going to make
my tuna casserole.  

I'll be in here, chopping onions and celery.  I'll be grabbing a can
of cream of chicken soup.  Yes, just good old canned soup.  I
would use cream of mushroom, but David doesn't like mushrooms.
I'll cook some egg noodles, mix them with the tuna, soup and
I'll put some buttered crumbs on top.  I'll get this all ready early
today so that all I have to do is pop it in the oven.

Maybe I should make biscuits to serve with butter and honey
and some roasted carrots too.  Roasted carrots sound good
because they can cook in the oven too.  Total comfort.

After the casserole is complete, I will be in my comfiest sweats 
playing couch potato for a while.  I'll make some tea.  Want to 
join me?  We can spend the whole afternoon watching some
favorite old movies.  

This movie always makes me laugh.  Send Me No Flowers
with Doris Day, Rock Hudson and Tony Randall.  Silly 
and completely fun.  

Or since hubby is away on the golf course, a favorite
chic flick …

Sleepless in Seattle.  I have all the dialogue memorized :-)
Do you???

If we get tired of watching old movies, we could hang out in my
studio for a while.  Bentley will be hanging out there too.  

He will be curled up in his favorite chair in that room, as he is now.

There is always some sewing to do.

Or you could help me finish my dollhouse so that I can move all this
furniture in and we could decorate.

Or we could bake cookies ~ yummy idea!

Or go for a walk in my neighborhood.  Bentley would like that, but
I will warn you, it's still hot here.

Although, now that I think of it, a long walk might be just what we need
after all that tuna casserole and biscuits and honey ;-)

Even though the world is full of bad news, let's make up our
minds to have a Mayberry moment and make it a 

Good day for a good day!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Wonderful post today, I enjoyed visiting. Hope Bentley is better.

  2. I love your Mayberry moment my friend. You've transported me to that sweet show and when I was just a kid and thought the world was like my home and Mayberry of course. I love your menu, it got me hungry too. I love your cozy pics, the lovely homes and Bentley all curled up in that comfy chair. I am cozy too with my two G'girls watching a scary movie on a rainy Sunday and munching on some popcorn.
    Yes, the world is in trouble, so many wars and diseases and look at Doris Day and Rock Hudson, which contracted Aids; the 20th century plague and we still have it nowadays.
    Enjoy your Sunday,

    1. The world is a scary place. Let's just stay inside for a while and eat popcorn!

  3. Love reading your blog. I have the same anxiety about the news and world. Lifting up our country in Prayers, have a blessed Sunday.

  4. I think you need to find a nice stable and start riding again to get your mind off all of the negativity! As they say, "the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man"!

  5. I loved our respite from the cares of this world! Thank you! You are a gal after my own heart with what you planned for us to do!

    My go-to quick calorie-free way to unwind? Teatime, using my most lovely china and a picture tea book or favorite mags in my little niche upstairs in the loft when inclement, or in my Zen Garden covered porch listening to the birds.

    Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world. ~T'ien Yi-heng

    1. Me too. Big time tea drinker. Just finished a cup.

  6. I have stopped watching national new but read all about it in the sunday paper. I makes me want to stay home and just wait for it all to go away.

  7. I love tuna casserole also...good comfort food! I'm ready for a Mayberry moment also! Hugs!

    1. Sometimes there is just nothing better than good old comfort food. Reminds me of when I was a kid.

  8. Sounds like a pretty good day, I know what you mean about the news it's always bad these days, the world is full of pain.

  9. Good day Susan - believe it or not, I actually grew up in a town very much like Mayberry. We left our doors unlocked and were never afraid. In the evenings, our parents would sit outside with all of the neighborhood parents while we kids played outdoors with nary a worry or I would wish for my grandchildren and great grandchildren to be able to live like that and have the precious memories that I have of childhood. But, instead, we have to be so wary of their surroundings and not let them out of our sight. The world is in sad shape.

    Enjoy your afternoon and give Bentley a little kiss for me.


  10. Life used to be easier. I remember having more freedom too as a kid growing up in a suburb outside of Chicago. When I stayed with my Aunt in the city my activities were much more restricted. I gave a kiss to Bentley for you! He thanks you!!

  11. That's the spirit! A good day for a good day!

    1. Did you get some rain? Came down her in buckets. David was stuck on the golf course in the maintenance shack when it started pouring. They were able to finish the tournament though.

  12. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Wish I could do all of those things with you! Sounds like a fun time. I love peeping into your home. Your kitchen looks so pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. I love peeking in your home too. I love the yellow walls in your new kitchen. So sunny and cheerful. The perfect spot for you and your darling grands to bake cookies and make memories!!

  13. I love your attitude, Susan. I think we all feel pretty hopeless at times with all that is going on in the world. I love Mayberry, Doris Day, and Sleepless in Seattle. A good day for cooking, too. Today I made an apple pie using the apples from my tree. Take comfort in things that surround you in happiness. Pat Bentley on the head for me. BTW your studio is gorgeous!

    1. You have your own apple tree! How wonderful and how delicious your pies must be!!

  14. I always enjoy seeing your studio. It looks so comfy and cozy. What projects are going on in there?

    1. At the moment I have been stitching up some pillows for the guest room. You will be seeing them soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. So much about this post that I loved. First off, that is the cutest hutch ever next to your sewing machine w' the cutest cover ever. Secondly, I think tuna casserole sounds scrumptious & I absolutely love homemade biscuits. Tonight I made macadamia/panko encrusted cod fillets w' a big salad. I gotta say, it might be my tastiest fish ever. Hubby & son loved it. Thirdly, is thirdly a word? Lol. Anyway, thirdly I absolutely love Sleepless In Seattle. And I loved it long before I moved to Seattle. It's one of my all time favorites. I never get tired of watching it. As for the cookies, I make a peanut butter shortbread bite that goes perfectly w' iced tea. Bentley looks very cute & cozy in that chair. I'd love to pet the little sweetie. You'll have to do it for me, ok. Great big hugs from your Washington fan & friend.

    1. That little vintage child's hutch was a Christmas present from my husband from a couple of years ago. It sits on top of my big trestle table that also serves as the desk for my Mac and for my sewing machine. You know by now how crazy for hutches I am. I like them all ~ full size, child size and miniatures! Thanks for visiting Deb. It's good to have a friend in Seattle. When I lived in Idaho I used to travel to Seattle on business. Loved it!!

  16. I too am in need of a Mayberry Monday -- not just a moment, but a whole day -- thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I think what we should do is sneak Mayberry Moments into every day. Maybe if everyone did that the world would be a kinder and friendlier place :-)

  17. Your home is so beautifully decorated, Susan! I love the den, the studio, the kitchen...all just gorgeous! Would love to sit and have tea with you and enjoy a Mayberry moment! :)

    1. Thanks you so much Beth! Our house is filled with well loved and often well worn pieces of this and that that come together in the place we call home.

  18. I would love to spend a Mayberry moment with you today. It's dark and dreary here in Harrow. I have made up my mind and I am presently making some home made vegetable soup and tonight, even though it is Thanksgiving here in Canada, my hubby went away on a hunting trip with the boys. So I am making chicken caccitore for dinner. Pure comfort ~ Chico and I will be snuggled on the couch watching old movies today, while the soup simmers. Have a great day Susan.

    1. How wonderful to hear from you Marianne! Wish you and Chico could pop down here and the four of us could share Mayberry Moments all day!!

  19. I love this post! I think that we must all be ready for a few Mayberry moments by now. I happen to be reading this in my pajamas so I'm ready. All I need to do is pull out my old DVD of Sleepless in Seattle! Stay away from that ebola and enjoy the rest of your day,

  20. I think my comment disappeared! In case it did NOT, I won't repeat it. Love your "Mayberry Moment" choices. They would all work for me!

  21. Tuna casserole is one of my favorites! I have loved it since I was a kid. My Dad didn't much care for it, so we didn't have it often. As an adult, I went bananas on it!!!!!! I make it in big batches, and it's one of my favorite comfort foods. Biscuits with it...all the more perfect!

    You've got the "girl's night in" thing down to a science!

  22. You just transported me from reality to Mayberry. Thank you so much. What a wonderful idea. I am going to pass it on to some friends I am meeting with later today. And maybe individually and sometimes as a group we can push the world into the corner and have Mayberry Moments. Pets to Bentley.

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.