Saturday, October 11, 2014

For Deb in Seattle

Deb ~ this post is especially for you!  You have been a faithful 
reader and dear friend.  You asked me to show more pics of the
spice cabinet in my kitchen, so here you are.  

When David and I first married, we moved to northern
Virginia just outside of Washington, DC.  It was a very 
exciting and happy time for us both ~ and especially for me
because of all the places we have ever lived Virginia held my

There was a cute little shop nearby that sold primitives.  That's where
I found this sweet spice cabinet.  It was originally stained, but I 
painted it several years ago.  Quite frankly, I like it both ways ~
painted or stained.

The dimensions of the piece are 32"H X 9 1/2"W X 5"D
I like the black wrought iron hinges and think they show up well
against the white.  The piece is pine and has the one small 
porcelain knob on the door.  The door is screened.

I purchased this cabinet in the fall of 1989, so it is now 25 years old.
It's very dear to me as it has been in my kitchens in Virginia, Idaho and
now Texas.  Y'all know by now that I am a sentimental sap.

I hope this answers all of your questions Deb.  If you have any more just let
me know.  

Off to the store now.  I have spent the morning in keeping an eye on Bentley.
He had an allergic reaction to some flea bites (I thought we were rid of them).
Poor baby was scratching and itching and miserable.  I gave him a tiny
dosage of Benedryl twice yesterday and have been watching him to 
make sure he is okay.  He spent the early morning cuddled up with me
and then later on with his daddy.  He's not scratching any more and he is
catching up on the sleep he missed.  He's truly my baby (and his daddy's
too) and I am like a mama hen around him.  I can never relax if he is not
feeling 100% and am so relieved now.  If Bentley was awake he would
wish y'all a happy Saturday.  Since he is not, I will do it for him.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Shhhh!!! Whispering happy Saturday to Bentley. Glad he is feeling better. Your cabinet is adorable. xo Laura

    1. He is resting comfortably. The Benedryl makes him sleepy but he has stopped scratching and I am a big believer in sleep as a healer. He looks like a little angel sleeping peacefully right now.

  2. Such a darling corner, Susan! I love how you put all of your rooster stuff together!
    Please give Mr. B. a hug from me. HOpe the little guy is feeling better.

    1. Thanks Becky! My hubby loves to tease me about the roo invasion around here :-)

  3. It's pretty good spice cabinet, I think I need one .

  4. Susan, that cabinet is wonderful and I love that you have had it so long and it's moved with you from home to home. Hope Bentley is feeling better.

    1. It sure has been carted back and forth across this country!

  5. Love the cabinet and glad to see you have my favorite Old Bay Seasoning. We have two rescued pit bulls and I bathe them in Dawn (blue) dishwashing soap. I have even done our cats (don't ask) and NO fleas! Good luck with Bentley. Those fleas are a scourge.

    1. I did try a Dawn bath initially. Bentley has been on Capstar which has kept the fleas at bay, but it seemed like the Capstar stopped working for a bit and that when the hot spots started. I have done a lot of research on methods to stop the hot spots. My first Yorkie developed a flea allergy when we lived in Virginia. My vet there told me not to start cortisone because it would be too hard on him. While we lived in Idaho we never had any flea issues. I gave Bentley a bath with a hydrocortisone shampoo last night. He normally squiggles in the tub, but he was very still and seemed to enjoy the soothing effect. He slept through the night without scratching and seems good this morning too. Once I feel like this is under control I can relax.

  6. I love your spice cabinet, especially now that it's painted white. You have some nice vintage pieces there also. I love the scale and the red plaid lunchbox. I hope that Bentley is back to feeling better real soon and catches up on his sleep. Have a wonderful weekend! Connie

  7. Susan, thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. My spices are currently in a stainless steel spinner that belongs to my sons. It's functional but not my style. I can't wait to try building one like yours. I'm actually pretty good at it & now that I have a small shop it's more convenient to do. Happy to hear that Bentley is feeling better. Give him a pat for me. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend. Hugs, Debbie.

  8. That cabinet is simply beautiful! Hubby and I toured the entire state if Virginia..from top to bottom in May, and we would go back and do it again in a heartbeat. Gorgeous!!!!

    Jane xx

    1. Did you stop in Middleburg? That's where David and I lived. It is heaven!!

  9. That is a great spice cabinet. I love the roosters too.
    Talking about Bentley. I have a 9 pound Yorkie. When we were at the vets the vet combed her and said she had flea dirt. We have never found a flew on her. She has flaky skin and her coat hasn't been as pretty lately. But our other dog scratches non-stop. Both were treated for fleas and we have not seen any. I think it must be some kind of allergy. Still not buying that the Yorkie (Izzy) had fleas) How much Benadryl do you give Bentley. They are our babies, aren't they. Just wish they had longer life spans. My mom also has a Yorkie. She is 87 and her Yorkie is 15, I think. It really scares me that the dog will go before she does. She will go crazy is something happens to her dog. Her Yorkie is really short and weighs 6 lbs. I saw a Yorkie this week that was the smallest I had ever seen. I bet she weighed 2 or 3 lbs. They sure our great dogs. Our other one is a Springer/ He mothers our Izzy. She is the boss of the applesauce though. Hope Bentley feels better.

    1. Yes, I have learned about flea dirt. I have been working my Dyson overtime on every chair and sofa in the house. I have heard that we can never totally eliminate fleas, but we can keep them under control. I am becoming a general in this flea battle ;-)

  10. Deb again. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed hearing about the history of the cabinet too. I'm pretty sentimental myself & I totally can relate. Lovely vignette by the way. Your very good at that.

    1. You will have to let me see your spice cabinet creation!!

  11. Poor little Bentley. I hate to hear he's not feeling well and hope he's better soon. Love your spice cabinet! Hope your SonDay is blessed!

    1. Thanks Mary. He is doing much better this morning. I am so relieved! Bentley is my heart with four legs. I would do anything for him.

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