Sunday, October 5, 2014

Antique Week Fall 2014 Part 1

Yesterday was a beautiful October day in Round Top, Texas.  The drive from
Victoria takes about two hours and we made very good time until we hit
this ~ the long, long, long line approaching Warrenton and the beginning of
the show tents.  We inched along.  Solved crossword puzzles.  Listened to
the radio.  Checked our text messages.  Anything to keep from being bored.

But at long last, we made it to the first of the tents.  I jumped out and David
parked the truck at the first available parking lot a ways down the road.  I was
ready.  I had my camera, my wad of cash and I was wearing my boots.  
Are you ready for some pics???  

I had to take a pic of this because it is just like my the dresser that belonged to
my Mom and I am currently repainting.  

Here is another shot.

This is a pretty piece.

I didn't realize it at the time, but if you look closely you can see my
reflection in the mirror as I took this picture.  That's me wearing an
orange skirt and my turquoise cowboy boots.  Oops.  Didn't mean to
get in the pic.  

Love the chairs and the large ottoman too.

Great sofa.

I love the fabric on this bench.  I saw lots of silver at the show this fall.
More than I remember seeing last spring.

These side chairs were covered in burlap.

I think this is a fun piece, but not too sure about that toxic waste leak 
sign.  A bit off putting considering that there is an Ebola case in the 
Dallas hospital right now.

Do you think that Bentley needs one of these to organize all of his
toys???  Hmmm.  Bentley stayed with his daddy while I shopped.
Bentley hates shopping.  As a consequence, he missed meeting quite
a few female Yorkies strolling with their mamas.  I did meet one
male Yorkie named Max who was not very happy about being
carried around looking at antiques.  Typical male ;-)

I'll be back tomorrow with more pics from the show.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oo! I love that last pic especially! I'd love browsing antiques.

  2. Susan - I have always wanted to go there but have never made it. Someday!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us.


  3. Well, I can see you're having fun! Enjoy!

  4. Bet there are some good finds there
    Lily & Edward

  5. We have nothing like this in our area except the 12 Mile Yard Sale near Rogersville TN. It was this weekend. I missed it. :(

  6. Fun, fun! So wish this were close to me so I could go...

  7. The prices must of been up there as the pieces are beautiful and need no redo. Love the sofa and chairs. I think silver is one of those things that just never goes out of style.

  8. oh my what beautiful things! I one day I will have to go to see everything in the meantime I get to drool on my computer screen! lol Thank you Grace

  9. Susan ~ swoooooonnnn. Love the sofa and the burlap covered side chairs. Love all of the mirrors. Oh my, I am drooling. I can only dream. Such a lucky gal to have been at the Round Top.

  10. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.