Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Crushing on a Dollhouse ~ Part One

I remember the first time I saw Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle at the 
Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.  I was a little girl and it was
the first time I ever saw anything so magical.  That is a story for another
post.  Now I want to give you a little tour of another dollhouse that is
another place of magical perfection.

Kathleen's dollhouse.  Kathleen Holmes is a Facebook friend of mine.
She is the owner and designer of wonderful dollhouses and dollhouse
miniatures.  Every detail is so perfect, so realistic, you feel as though
you have been transformed into a little fairy.  At least that is how I feel.
I have often told Kathleen that I wish I could have one of Alice's 
"eat me" pills that would shrink me down to the perfect size to fit into
Kathleen's house.  

Let's begin.  Just imagine that we have pulled up in this lovely
vintage auto.  Here we are in the drive and about to walk through
the gate.

Looks like someone is delivering groceries, anticipating our arrival no doubt.
We are expected, so it's okay to open the gate and walk up the path.

A bird bath, coneflowers, a succulent, potted rose and hydrangea too.  
Someone left their sandals on the first step.  They look like hurraches don't 
you think?

Such a charming front porch.  Look ~ isn't that a humming bird on the feeder?
I would love to hang out here for a while, but we have a lot to see, so
let's stop back here later.

Of course since we are in a magical place, we can twitch our noses and 
instantly change the season to fall.  The leaves are changing.  Mums
are planted around the base of the tree.  Pumpkins are flanking the front door.
Isn't this exciting?  I love looking at houses.  Don't you?

Some wonderful aroma is coming from the kitchen.  Let's go
see what's cooking in here.   It really looks like a granny's kitchen
 with it's vintage Roper stove and old ice box.  I am loving that old
sink too. What a beauty!  Do you see that hoosier with all the lovely
salt glazed crocks on top?  

I don't know about you, but this kitchen makes me feel more
like family than an invited guest.  So ….

Let's grab an apron and get busy.  Who wants to roll out some pie dough?

Now that the pie is in the oven, let's do some more exploring.

Come with me and let me show you the living room.  Isn't it cozy?

Let's just imagine how it will look when it is decorated for Christmas.
Little reindeer on the mantel.  The stockings are hung.  Christmas cards
are strung.  How about a cup of hot chocolate?

There has been a lot of Christmas card addressing going on here.
Look's like a package is ready to be mailed too.
A brown paper package all tied up with string ~ just like the song,
 it's one of my favorite things!

And here it is on Christmas Eve.  The fire is aglow.  Presents are
under the tree.  Milk and cookies for Santa.  

Let's not forget the dining room.  Fully decorated for Thanksgiving
thanks to magical fairy dust and the wonders of Kathleen's decorating talent.
This is fit for a blog post on Tablescape Thursday!  I wonder, I will have
to check with Susan to see if dollhouse tablescapes count ;-)

Here is the kitchen before the dinner.  The turkey is ready for the oven.  
Yams ready to be peeled.  Celery, onions, carrots and cornbread all
set to prepare the stuffing.  Since this is an old fashioned kitchen there is no
dishwasher.  Lot's of hand washing.  Someone has already started
washing up because the dish drainer is full.

I imagine that many of the vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner came from 
Kathleen's own garden.  She is such a talented gardener too!  

Watch out for that snake!  It was probably enjoying an afternoon sunbath
until we disturbed him.  Lets hope he slithers off soon.  I'll have to
suggest to Kathleen that she put some mothballs around her garden
because thats what we do down here in Texas to keep the snakes
away.  Trust me ~ down here in Texas we know about snakes.

I know you want to see the upstairs.  I will show you around.  Here is the
master bedroom complete with fourposter bed, handmade quilt and a crochet
afghan.  See the pup lounging at the foot of the bed?  Bentley loves to 
do that on our bed at home.  Dogs are just the same everywhere ~ even
the ones who live in dollhouses.

Did you notice that breakfast tray?  Lots of pampering going on
in this house :-)

Come follow me down the hall.  There is a charming nursery too!

And a sweet bath with vintage honeycomb tile floor and pedestal 
sink.  I like the wallpaper too.  For some reason I really like 
wallpaper in a bathroom.

Let's take another peak at the master.  Looks like an Aubusson 
rug on the floor.  Pretty.  I like the simple tie backs with the
ball fringe edge.  Takes me back to a simpler time.

The attention to detail is truly amazing!

Just one more moment on the porch before we leave.
Blissful, don't you agree?  I wish we could stay longer, but we 
cannot over extend our welcome.  Kathleen has a very busy 
schedule because she is moving!  That's right.  The family has
outgrown this home and the movers are starting to pack it up
to move into an even grander space, if you can imagine that!

See, the truck is already here and the packing has begun.  
No worries though.  I have more surprises in store for you
because tomorrow we will start touring the new dollhouse.
Prepare yourself to be blown away!  

Thank you Kathleen, for letting me show your magical
creations to all of my blog friends.  Your special dollhouse
has provided me with hours of enjoyment and I could not
wait to share it with everyone.  See you tomorrow when
the tour resumes.

I am showing off Kathleen's dollhouse to my
friends Paula and Patti too, so please visit:

Bentley ~ did you see that cute little dog on the bed
in the master bedroom?  Yes it's true, you curl up
on your mama and daddy's bed just the same way.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. OMG!!!!!!!
    As a Doll House owner myself, this one is AMAZING!!!!! What a spectacular job Kathleen did!! Puts mine to shame....... I think I need to play more with mine...

    Thanks so much for sharing!! I shared this post on Google +!!


    1. So glad you enjoyed it Debbie! I just knew that all my dollhouse loving friends had to see this. I will tell you though, that Kathleen told me she has been collecting miniatures for about 25 years. Some of these beautiful pieces are no longer available. She blows me away because she has not missed a beat. Every detail is there. Come back tomorrow when I show you more. Thanks for stopping by Debbie. I always enjoy your visits.

  2. I enjoyed my visit to this little house, wish I could move right in!!! Susan thank you for your beautiful posts. You always bring some sunshine to my day! Hugs to Bentley!!!

    1. Thanks Pat. I am so happy you enjoyed the tour and that I brought some sunshine to your day!

  3. That is the cutest well dressed doll house I have ever toured

  4. Oh my goodness. That is beyond wow.

    I haven't played with my own dollhouse in ages and have never blogged about it. I should do that soon, but after this it looks like a college kids first apartment. LOL

    Does Kathleen have her own blog? If not she needs one!!!

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Kathleen does need a blog and I will mention that to her. I agree with you ~ beyond wow!

  5. OMG! My dollhouse will never look like that I fear! Gorgeous with all of the minute details. Thanks for sharing. How are you coming on your dollhouse?


    1. No worried Judy ~ mine won't either. I am beginning to think that the only way my own dollhouse will ever raise the walls is if I pack it up and drive up to Tulsa and have you help me! Is that a deal???

  6. It's absolutely beautiful! I want to live there, lol! Such detail right down to the little dog on the bed!!!!!

    1. Wait till I start posting pics from her latest dollhouse. OMG its a swoon fest!

  7. As a miniature lover, I'm completely taken back with the amazing details of Kathleen's gorgeous dollhouse. She is so talented. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    1. I am amazed at her talent too. She not only incorporates meticulous detail, but she brings such a feeling of hearth and home into the dollhouse. As I said, I could happily shrink myself down and move in and be lovin' every moment!

  8. Lovely! You know I love dollhouses and this is very special.


  9. If I did not read the post I would have thought that this was your house! Just so real! Love if you share this At Fabulous Friday Party

  10. Hi Susan. I followed a link from Debbie's blog, and this is amazing! I have passed my miniatures down to my kids to use in their dollhouse,but it's nothing like this. We enjoyed looking at the pics together --thanks for sharing! :)

  11. Susan, this is the most AMAZING dollhouse I've ever seen! Every single detail has been thought out, even the toothbrush in the bathroom! I LOOOVE it! Can't wait for the next installment, thanks so much for sharing with us.
    Big hugs,

  12. I can't imagine being anymore blown away than I am right now - I've never seen anything like this before - OMG - she should win an award of some type for this - Better Doll Homes and Gardens?
    Is that a radiator between the dresser and wardrobe in the Master bedroom -
    I'm going back up to check this house out again - you can't possibly take it all in at one glance !!!
    Thanks SO much for sharing!

  13. Oh my goodness, this is adorable!

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