Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lunch At My Desk

As some of you may know, I am writing a book.  Well actually two
books.  One is a children's book and the other is a novel.  It may be
a bit of a stretch to start two at the same time but I am forging ahead
with both projects.  I am working on the illustrations for the 
children's book in my studio, but I am writing the novel at the
desk in our bedroom.  So … that's where I have often been eating
my lunch these days, right here so I don't loose my train of thought.

There is a picture of me with my Grandma Nena and also one
of my first Yorkie named Bitterman on the desktop.   The desk
chair belonged to my Daddy when he was a young boy.  I often
picture him doing his school work while sitting in this chair.

I set up my lunch at my desk on my old Laura Ashley blotter.  I must
tell you that back in the day, I was a huge Laura Ashley fan.  Before I
was married my whole bedroom in my apartment was decorated in
Laura Ashley prints.  Now I think my Rose Chintz looks so pretty on
top of this vintage desk blotter.

Just a few feet away is this Comb-Back Windsor Writing Armchair 
from the William H. James Company in Denmark, Maine.  It 
belonged to my Mother-in-Law.  David and I were so happy to learn
that we inherited it because it is something we both love.  The chair
sits in the corner by a window looking out to the backyard.  

When we received the chair, I looked inside the drawer and found
this brochure from the manufacturer.

It's an additional treasure and I am so glad that Leila saved it and
kept it with the chair.

This is a very vintage spice cabinet on the wall just above the 
Windsor chair.  This spice cabinet was handmade by my 
Great Uncle Frank who was a master cabinet maker.  It was
made for my Grandmother who passed it down to my Mom who
then passed it down to me.  I love it.  Such a treasure.

This room is full of pieces that were lovingly passed down
to us from both David's family and my own.   As I write every
day I think of all of those loved ones and hope that I will be
an honor to their memory.

Did I tell you that Bentley is the featured character of 
my children's book?  He is very excited about it!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I like it all!! I hope I get to read your novel someday.

    1. Thank you Betty. You will get to read it if I get it published :-)

  2. All of your treasures are beautiful and look so good. Looks like there will be two celebrities in the family - Bentley and you. Good luck on your books.

  3. A children's book featuring Bentley, marvelous...he certainly deserves some celebrity status.

  4. I too am a fan of Laura Ashley.
    That's a fine looking chair.

    1. I still have the Laura Ashley Home Decorating book. I even made one of her puffy valances.

  5. I love your flatware. Is it new or vintage? Love the spice cabinet too, beautiful.

    1. The flatware was inherited from my Mother-in-Law.

  6. The chair is gorgeous.......but, I am lusting after the spice cabinet.......what a treasure!!!!

    1. The spice cabinet is wonderful. The drawers each fit perfectly and the patina of the wood is really pretty.

  7. All the rooms of your home are decorated so beautifully, Susan. How cozy it must be to write at this desk, surrounded by so many lovely family pieces and pictures. Best of luck with your two writing projects!


  8. What a novel idea to prepare your desk for lunch and everything there coordinates beautifully.

  9. Such beautiful treasures, Susan. I love the writing chair, very unusual!....Christine

  10. I am a librarian, can't wait to read your books one day! Lovely post ;)

  11. I have a cherry wood secretary in the guest room that looks similar to your desk here. What a brilliant idea to use it to serve lunch. I can't imagine a more pleasant setting.

  12. The chair is like a gossip bench or a writing desk....I love that you have the papers on is, indeed, a lovely piece.

  13. Lovely family pieces, Susan. Can you give us a hint as to what your novel is about? ;-)

  14. I love all your treasures and that they have a nice story to go with them. I used to love everything Laura Ashley too!

  15. What a beautiful little corner Susan!

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