Monday, October 20, 2014

Tweaking My Studio Shelves

I did a little tweaking in my studio recently.  This spot serves as a multi
functional space for me.  It is where I write my blog posts.  Where I work
on sewing, quilting and craft projects.  It is where my sketch books and
 pencils are stored.   But it is also where ….

I feel most inspired to be creative.  In part, this inspiration comes from being 
surrounded by things that have a special meaning for me.   For example,
 see those mugs hanging from hooks?  Mom and Daddy bought those mugs
for my Grandmother when the three of us took a trip to England and Scotland
together.  Grandma was too feeble to come along, so we made a point of 
getting things for her we knew she would love.  Grandma, Mom and Daddy 
are all gone now, but I smile every time I see these mugs hanging from the 
shelf.  See that little bird on the left?  That belonged to her too.  She used to
fill it with dried lavender and hang it in her bedroom closet.

A small stash of fabrics, trims and burlap.  A basket filled with cotton yarn in case
I become inspired to crochet something.  I will admit ~ I am not very skilled at 
crochet ~ but I would like to be!  Both my grandmothers were very skilled so I am
hoping those good genes were  passed on to me somehow.

That very, very vintage platter belonged to my great grandmother.  Her name 
was Emma.  I never knew her, but I have heard wonderful stories about her.

I do love decorative painting so I always keep an assortment of craft paints
in my old tool box.  There are some water colors too.  I always keep floral wire.
Really comes in handy for so many projects and tin snips too.   I always
seem to be misplacing that floral wire so I keep a spool of it in my kitchen
"junk" drawer too.  If I were ever to appear of the show "Survivor" ~ I 
would be the one with the floral wire.

These pastels can be used wet or dry.  The little box this basket of 
pastels is sitting on is full of felt scraps.  There for a while I was 
obsessed with felt.  You never know, could happen again.

Trims, ribbons, twine and more paints.  I always seem to be finding
cream pitchers or sugar bowls I can't pass up at thrift shops.  Turns out
they make good little storage containers.

Dollhouse wallpaper rolled up in the corner.  Another necessary item :-)

Colored pencils and a basket of an assortment of glue.  
Some books and journals.  Can't live without those.

So there it is.  Neat and tidy ~ well at least for now it is.

Thanks for stopping by to see my shelf tweaking!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a gorgeous room, Susan! I love all the beautiful colours and the thoughtful way you've displayed all your treasures.

  2. Such lovely storage! What a great place to be and create!

  3. Such a nice assortment of "necessities". I love having all those things. Well, almost all. I don't think I have floral wire. Then again I might. I've got a large art bin that's so crammed full of stuff there just might be some in there. I need to do some organizing myself!

    1. There is one good thing about moving ~ it forces you to get organized.

  4. You have a beautiful creative space, thank you for showing us

  5. Susan, such pretty pastels and precious pieces in your studio; how can anyone NOT be inspired?!

    Have a wonderful week!


    1. I do everything I can to keep inspiration alive. Thanks for stopping by Poppy!

  6. I always enjoy seeing your studio and still am in love with your sewing machine cover. My great grandmother's name was Emma also ! Emma Hamel...came over from Germany when she was 17 or 18 ! :)

    1. Isn't it a wonderful name? If I had a little girl I think I would want to name her Emma.

  7. I have a cupboard of memories in my dinning room.

  8. wow, danke für die tollen bilder und inspirationen, liebe grüße von angie aus deutschland

  9. I enjoy seeing all your pretties and collectibles that were handed down. Such a colorful and creative room is bound to make you feel creative.

  10. Susan, I am so slow to figure things out. I tried to find you and clicked on this and that..and then spied your old address for your blog. I've never understood the page that comes up when I click on your inverably think, "I will come back later and try to solve the matter. I wander off confused. There are several blogs that I have ran into this problem..I am catching on that I must search the page for the old address...
    So....anyway.. I love your shelf..everything you may need is right there at your fingertips and sweetly so. :) My roll of floral wire is in my kitchen "junk" drawer as well. Pairs of scissors, screw drivers or all kinds, rubber bands in little tiny jars..tiny nails.. :) even my favorite garden hose sprayer. Two tiny hammers..all sorts of things. My paints..alas..are under my desk in plastic contains..and are needing to be sorted...You have some adorable ways of sorting. Love it.

    1. I just finished cleaning out a junk drawer that sounds much like yours. We all have them ~ that drawer that holds this and that and is tossed in day after day, year after year. Amazing things live in that drawer and in many ways it holds a bit of the history of our lives. However you found me, I am so glad that you did!

  11. I have a very big cupboard next to my bed that gets filled with the things that are too delicate to put in my shop, too easy for someone to walk off with or too appealing to my cat. Every couple of years I clean it out and and I find the most delightful treasures. What is always returned back to the cupboard is the tiny Dresden lady with the porcelain lace skirt that belonged to my great aunt and other small treasures that women in my family kept safely throughout their lives. There is a 2 inch tall felt giraffe. Nothing of great value, just little tiny things that they saved.

  12. Always enjoy looking into your studio. Thanks

  13. It all looks lovely to me...I wish I had a studio, but the honest truth is...what room I DO have is stuffed to the gills, and is NOT neat like yours! I go on a binge and clean it up, but some ghosty or another sneaks in and then it looks like a tornado went through :^)
    Thank you for showing us your beautiful workspace and sharing the stories of the pretty things displayed.

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.