Saturday, November 22, 2014

Catalog Shopping on a Saturday Morning

It's a dark and rainy Saturday morning in our neighborhood.  I am still in my
pj's and am sitting at the breakfast bar listening to my favorite NPR Saturday 
line up of Click and Clack,  Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and What Do You Know.
I am drinking coffee out of my favorite cup that I use only for weekends to 
keep it special.  I love little rituals like that.  Do you have your own rituals
to keep life interesting?

Our postman has been delivering stacks of catalogs everyday.  I am going
through them this morning to see what gifts can be ordered and what
catalogs can be recycled.

I feel like a kid going through these catalogs.  Ear marking the pages of
items I long to own.  

A New York Jazz Christmas ~ hmm.  I love Christmas music.  I will start
putting on the Christmas CD's next weekend.  This is a tempting one for me.
I could order it to do my part to keep the music business alive.  I keep 
reading how it's suffering these days.

David has shown up because he thinks I am not contributing enough catalogs
to the  recycle pile.  Ha~ let's see how far he gets now that he found the
Filson catalog ;-)

He has a Filson briefcase and a garment bag too.  He loves the stuff!

Oh dear ~ this could be trouble ~ he found a Filson edition Jeep Wrangler.
We already have a Jeep Wrangler, but it's a two door.  He keeps 
pointing out the four doors when we are out and about.  Of course, he
keeps looking at Corvettes too.  I think it's a mid life crisis man thing.

On the other hand, I am always looking at things for the home.
No surprise here!

I am always finding something from the Monticello catalog that
catches my eye.   Y'all know I am a traditionalist.

So far I have only eliminated three catalogs ~ not very good
progress!  Of course, David has not done a very good job of
whittling down the stack either ;-)

Happy Saturday everyone!

What's that Bentley?  Did you finally wake up from your
nap on the sofa and think it's time for a treat???

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love to wake up and grab a tea cup pot and make a tray especially on a Saturday morning, It's been raining here all night in San Francisco.. though the sun just popped out Horay.. I love to thumb through new catalogs too.. but have to refrain myself lol.. Have a wonderful day with love Janice

  2. Susan - Sounds like a perfect, rainy Saturday morning. I know my mailman must hate having to deliver all of the mail that I get each and every day. Catalogues, catalogues, and more catalogues. But, I love sitting down in the evenings and browsing thru them. We can dream, can't we?


  3. My sister is a catalog addict. She seems to hide them away like a squirrel storing nuts for a long cold winter. Sounds like you are having a serene Saturday, my friend. xo Laura

  4. I enjoyed your post, Susan. It reminds me that I have a pile of Christmas catalogues waiting for me to look through too. Love your cosy home pictures and yes, I have special weekend breakfast rituals too :)
    Happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  5. I don't get as may catalogs as I use to get. I do a bit of ordering on line but that is about it.

  6. I love to look through catalogs and, yes, bend corners and circle "everything". I love "Window Shopping"!


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