Monday, November 24, 2014

Tweaking in the Breakfast Room

I finally finished painting the wainscoting in the breakfast room.  I don't mind
painting, but am always so happy when it is finished.  As you may recall,
the wainscoting was painted a dark brown before and made an already
dark room that much darker.

I moved the deacon's bench back into the room too.

The whole area is now lighter and brighter.  Now onto the next
project :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. This looks great! Light and airy and perfect for a Breakfast Room to start the day on a cheery note. Take care x

  2. danke für die schönen bilder und inspirationen!!! liebe grüße von angie

  3. Susan, the breakfast room looks just wonderful. Light and bright agains the dark floor. Love it ~

  4. What a nice difference...everything just sparkles!

  5. The whole room looks so cozy and cheerful now! I love it. I hear you with the painting. I always find the pre-painting set up time takes way too long.

  6. I'd have to say my favorite part of painting is cleaning the brushes, because that means I'm done! Lol
    Love your beacons bench.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.