Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hill Country Christmas Decorating Ideas

Last night while I was taking Bentley for his nightly walk, I noticed
that some of my neighbors had started putting up their Christmas
lights.  Thanksgiving is so late this year and I know there will be
a mad dash to start decorating this Friday.

So ….

I thought I would share some Texas Hill Country Decorating ideas
I spotted while I was in one of my favorite shops in Fredericksburg.
Love going to Smitten!  I always see something wonderful there.

The shop was awash in white and glitter.  Everything so sparkly and

I am normally someone who loves red, but there is something so
magical in Christmas rooms decorated in silver and white and
shades of gray.  Makes me think of the snowbound country house
in Dr Zhivago.


Wonderful Hoosier

Love the crosses on the white tree.

I can't believe I left my rattan reindeer up in my storage unit in Idaho!
Sure wish I had it down here.  My Friendly Village dishes too.
Maybe I will plan a ski trip and go visit my dishes ;-)

I promised myself I would not start any decorating until the day
after Thanksgiving, but it never hurts to start planning.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am so ready to start decorating but I also wait until the Friday after Thanksgiving! Love these photos. I am a red and green girl but the whites always are so magical to me. Gorgeous ideas! Sigh...I better go and get my Thanksgiving table set!

  2. very pretty after Thursday all bets are off and the decorating begins. I am going to try to rein it in as I get over whelmed.

  3. Susan,
    I love Fredericksburg, but haven't been in years. Looks like I need to make a trip just to shop at Smitten. Thanks for showing all the pretties. This year seems to be the year of the deer.


  4. Never hurts! ;-)
    I'm going to try to get an early start this weekend. I usually wait till later, but am in the mood to jump right in this year.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. Great inspiration! I usually start Friday after Thanksgiving but I'm still trying to get the laundry room finished...got to get the washer and dryer off the porch and back in the house!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  6. All the decorations are so pretty. I already decorated for Christmas, simply because I will not be home for the most of December. I wanted to have it all done so when I come back I can just enjoy them.

  7. OOh what a pretty store I want to go there. Wishing you and Bentley and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.Susie

  8. Thank you for featuring Smitten in your decorating ideas post! Several of those photos are from my room! How exciting! So glad you like our little shop.

  9. It's just gorgeous! If that doesn't inspire, nothing will! Oh, the colors and textures, and shine!
    I'm going to get started, too. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bentley!

  10. Smitten is my favorite store in that area!! I was there a couple of weeks ago and didn't escape empty handed ;-)
    So many lovely things!!

  11. I knew there was no way I could possibly wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start my decorations, and I was SO right. It took me nearly 3 weeks to complete the job!!! Most of that is because I'm moving so gingerly these days, but part of it was because there was a LOT to do!!! I tip my hat to you for having the restraint to wait!!!

    I would gladly take one of each of the items pictured! And what a cool name for a store: Smitten! They have you pegged!!! :-)


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