Friday, December 5, 2014

News, News, News

Anyone who writes a blog for any length of time knows that there is a lot
of thought and effort that goes into this endeavor.  Deciding on a topic,
taking photos, sharing tips and stories on a regular basis is no small task.
This is a personal space where I share my life with you.

That being said, I have control over the content of this space.  
The thoughts, words and photography on this space are not to be
used by anyone else for commercial gain without my prior consent.
While I am happy to share, please ask first.

Thank you,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I agree, Darling. Did someone steal some of your snaps? I have heard of this happening and the folks who do this are pretty shameless! I love your snaps and am sending early Christmas blessings to you and yours.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Thank you Shelia! Christmas blessings to you and your family from us as well. Actually, yes, a website used my pics without my prior approval. I don't mind so much if it's another blogger who wants to use my pics and I have agreed to let commercial sites use them as long as they link back to me. However, not everyone follows that protocol so I thought I would just put out a blanket statement so that people know my policy. I believe that most other bloggers feel the same way. Love the pics of your new house and I am so happy that you and your hubby made the move despite us missing you here in Texas! Your family is worth it!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, Susan - I often peek in here to see what you have to share. And I always feel I've stopped by to visit a friend whose home is a haven from the storms of life! I don't usually comment but today I must. I understand what you are saying. My blog is mine and I don't appreciate someone posting without permission. Keep up the good work. I LOVE your blue and white china. I have a couple of pieces of the pattern in the first photo. You've inspired me to look for more! I'll be back to visit often - and I will say hi when I do!

    P.S. - What is the pattern of the darling cups in your second photo? They are so sweet!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.