Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hiding Out at Home

Some days I just want to stay home with Bentley.  Just the two of us.
Today is one of those days.  I am in hermit mode.  I have a bit of a split
personality.  Sometimes I am very social and chatty.  Other times I only
enjoy my own company.

Alone time is when I feel the most creative.  It's as though the outside
world is an intrusion.  Do you ever feel that way?  

My husband David is a social animal.  He loves to be around other people
all of the time.  He gets really lonely by himself.  

During my hermit days I love to play house.  I'm really good at it too
because I have been doing it since I was a little girl :-)  

I spend time moving things around or looking at favorite catalogs or 
visiting Ebay.  I can keep myself happily entertained!

Sometimes I will put on one of my favorite cd's and Bentley and I 
will dance around the house.  

Or I will go into the kitchen and start cooking and pretend I am Julia Child.
I put on an Edith Piaf cd or the sound track from Something's Gotta Give
and I am instantly transported to Paris.

It's genetic ~ my great grandmother lived in France for a time.

Bentley and I have to run now.  We need to get back to our 
alone time.  See y'all soon!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I can relate. I like my alone time, and like you, it is when I'm most creative. Enjoy your day.

  2. I love my alone time also. I enjoy 'puttering' around the house and playing! Its good for my soul to have some quiet and creative time!

  3. Susan and Bentley. I must admit I am like you. I can go quite a while just by myself. I Can always find things to do around our home,
    and love changing things around and just love to take time for myself, which is rare. I love friends too but not all the time.

  4. I LOVE me time :-) your hutch looks so pretty!

  5. There is nothing better than a little alone time to unwind, smell the roses, read a book...
    ♥ your blue and white collection, especially all that Blue Willow!

  6. Sometimes I have to make myself go out. I try to get as much done as possible so I can be home the next. With this cold weather and icy sidewalks it's easier not to go out. My husband is the same way. We love to see our grand kids so that does get us out.

  7. Sometimes I have to make myself go out. I try to get as much done as possible so I can be home the next. With this cold weather and icy sidewalks it's easier not to go out. My husband is the same way. We love to see our grand kids so that does get us out.

  8. We must be twins!!! I value my alone time, which is really all the time since I live alone!!! Love playing house, been doing it since I was little.......I am most creative at home and don't like being interrupted........I also have to force myself to go out and when I do, I work hard to get everything done so I don't have to go out again!!! How bad is that??? I love my friends and family and fortunately they love me, my work and respect my wishes to be alone. Guess you could call me a hermit!!!

  9. You sound so much like me...every day requires something different from me!

    Jane xx

  10. I see we have the same dishes. Yes, while I am extremely social, I also have my moments where I don't want to leave the comfort and warmth of The Hillbilly Hacienda. By the way, Susan - you KNOW I moved to Texas, don't you? Yes, ma'am. Left Virginia/DC in June. I am so incredibly happy here. I am wondering how far away we are from each other. I have met many of my facebook and blog buddies and hoping to meet you and Bentley. Email me -

  11. I'm with you,,,I love being home alone to cook and dust! It is like playing house! Love your hutch!

  12. I think it's just that elusive balance between social time and alone time. When we get out of kelter, we crave whichever time we are lacking. Enjoy your home and "playing house." I love it too!

  13. Yes, sister, we are just fine being alone, even though we are blessed with great husbands. It is the only child thing. We had to entertain ourselves and now we are quite comfortable with it.

  14. I agree ...and when no one else is home? So much gets done! oxox

  15. I love my at home time! But I also like being social. I've been on the go so much, I crave some at home time.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  16. Hermit mode... I use that term often—and totally enjoy being in it! I have my social side, but I enjoy it less than I used to. I like the quiet times by myself when I can create, read, cook. It was cold here last week, Renaissance Man was traveling, and the only times I left my house was to walk a few feet to the mailbox. Loved it!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.