Monday, January 26, 2015

Magazine Spread Tweaking

Lots of tweaking and lots of excitement around here this week.
Late last week I found out that my house is going to be featured in
an Italian interior design magazine.  So several things that I have been
meaning to do for months now are suddenly getting crossed off the
to do list.  A couple of little things in the kitchen, such as 
finally getting David to hang the little wrought iron bird hook for
my aprons.

It's nice to have them hanging up again.  Trust me, I need to wear an
apron because I can be a really messy cook!  If aprons are hanging up
I am much more likely to wear one than if they are tucked away in
a drawer.  And of course there is something so homespun and 
friendly about aprons hanging up.  Very granny chic.

Also, I like to engage David in these little projects for two 
reasons.  One is that he always criticizes the way I hang hooks
and how I nail and screw things into walls.  Secondly, it makes
him feel muy macho ~ and that's a good thing ;-)

I have been thinking of how best to utilize my French market basket other
than filling it with flowers.  One night I suddenly woke up from a dream
with the answer ~  my vintage wooden cutting boards!  I'm not kidding 
either.  I often wake up in the middle of the night with a solution to a
decorating dilemma.  3 am seems to be a very creative time for me.  I
inherited that trait from my Mom.  She was famous in our family for
middle of the night interior design.  Thanks Mom!

See the slim board?  A friend of mine who is an antique dealer in Idaho 
gave that to me.  She suggested I use it when making sandwiches.  I 
also think it looks quite a bit like my old sorority pledge paddle without
all the Greek letters and floral decorations I painted on it.  I wonder what
ever happened to that old pledge paddle anyway???  

So I am tweaking away in every room.  The journalist who contacted me
wants photos from the entire house.  I am fluffing and tweaking it all to
get some good shots.

These boots are staying right here in the back hall.  I never know when I
will need them to wade through the high ginger plants to hunt for Bentley.
I ran out one day in bare feet and almost stepped on a lizard!

Better get back to work.  I'll let you know when Francesca has the 
article ready. 

Bentley ~ let's find a creative way to store some of your toys.
They are everywhere!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Congrats- what an honor and priviledge. I am very happy for you, Susan. (And very stressed for you, too, haha.)

    Good luck!

  2. How exciting! Your house is gorgeous and I know the readers will love it.

  3. This is so exciting, Susan, and your home is looking wonderful. Do spiff and make yourself too tired.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. No worries, I have turned into a "steel magnolia". I live on sweet tea and diet Dr Pepper now :-)

  4. Ciao Bella!

    Kudos on your magazine feature! Your home is charming and I'm sure the Italian readers will so appreciate its American flair!


    1. Our homes are different here. I have been to Italy several times and love it. I maxed out my Visa card there once!

  5. That is so exciting!!

  6. So exciting I'm so happy for you Susan!! Love that shot of your kitchen!

    1. I love the kitchen because I spend so much time there. I suppose that's true for most of us.

  7. Why...Bless Your Heart! WHOOT WHOOT

  8. Susan - and Mr. Bentley - us California folks are so, so, so excited for you! I feel your pain! Such pressure, but hey, such a motivator at the same time. Do you find yourself working best under pressure? I sure do.

    LOVE your photos. And hey, the bread boards look great in that basket! Cute story.


    1. I only work well under pressure. I can be a big huge procrastinator. Lighting a fire under me is always a good idea! Bentley says Hi to Doogs!!

  9. Congrats to you, how exciting! I can see why your home was picked it, your style is perfection. Sure hope you share some of those creative puppy toy storage idea's - - I've got a furry friend also who like to spread her toys everywhere!

    1. You too? Bentley has toys in every room. No matter how often I pick them up, they find their way spread all over the house again. He gets away with it because he is so darn cute and sweet!

  10. Congratulations on the magazine article. Look forward to seeing it. Enjoy the process.

  11. I know what you mean about aprons and having them handy. I would have to launder my vintage dresses every time I wore them, if I didn't use one. I'm a messy cook as well.

    I do the hanging around here, but I let my honey open jars to make him feel manly lol

    Your kitchen looks darling :)

  12. I think the boots are A fun little unexpected touch, so I'm glad you're keeping them there! What is French if not unexpected glam?

    Congratulations to you on being chosen to showcase your home! I know you have a lot of tweaking to attend to, so I'll just say, "way to go!" and let you get back to it. Have fun!

    1. Thanks Alycia! How are you feeling? Better every day I hope!

  13. So exciting, Susan! Your house always looks gorgeous, and it will make a fabulous magazine feature! Enjoy your styling and tweaking and have fun!
    Helen xox

  14. Sooooooo excited for you and the magazine spread!!! It will all look beautiful and homey. Bentley, of course, should have a page in the spread of his own;)

  15. This sounds exciting! Looking forward to what happens next.

  16. That is exciting! So happy for you! You will have to share all the details of what it's like to be in this magazine!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.