Friday, January 9, 2015

Sometimes I Drag My Feet

I have not yet put away my Christmas decorations.  I unfortunately did not 
inherit my Mom's efficiency.  At first I told myself that I would wait until
after Epiphany to pack everything up.  Well, Epiphany came on Tuesday of
this week and the decorations are still here.  I have no excuse now.  It's a
rainy day and a perfect day to take everything down and box it up.  So why
am I dragging my feet?  

Excuses, excuses.  I can hear those words from my Mom in my head.
I suppose that if she has interrupted her heavenly bliss to send me this 
message I better get with the program :-)

But first ~ I have something to show you and something to tell you.  It's all about
this darling ceramic basket.  It came from Home Goods.  You may not believe
this, but I had never been to Home Goods until the weekend before Christmas.
We did not have a Home Goods in Boise, Idaho.  How did I live before???
So the Saturday before Christmas David suggested that we head towards
Houston for the day for some fun.  Houston is a couple of hours away.  Now
in the great state of Texas a two hour drive is nothing, and away we happily
went for a day of eye candy and good food.

We were in Sugar Land, Texas ~ just west of Houston and conveniently
located on the highway we take to get there.  We had stopped for lunch
and David noticed a Home Goods store.  He asked me if I wanted to go 
there and said to take my time.  Well I did and what fun I had.  I quickly
realized what I had been missing all these years.  I found this cute little
basket and a sweet little platter too that I will show you on another day.

So that's all for today.  I better get busy on the task at hand because
I can easily find a million excuses to get out of it.  

See you back here tomorrow!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sometimes I drag my feet too, usually with regards to doing the laundry! So glad you found Home Goods, an amazing place full of goodies!

    1. I am quite sure that Home Goods will be happy I found them too. Watch out checkbook ;-)

  2. Susan and Bentley Your basket is so sweet.

    1. Thank you. I thought it was sweet too and so well priced!

  3. I'm dragging my feet. Using the excuse that it is so dark and dreary that still having the tree up makes things a little brighter! I did bring in all the outside decorations before this last batch of cold weather. Now that you've seen Homegoods, you'll never be the same! Cheers for Homegoods, TJMaxx et al!

    1. Isn't it miserable? I walked into the breezeway to get to the garage and it was frigid. Well, frigid for south Texas. The damp cold is so much more penetrating than the dry cold up in Idaho. The best part of all of this is the fire we will be having in the fireplace tonight.

  4. I usually don't take the Christmas decorations down until the Epiphany, but this year I did it on Sunday. I knew if I didn't do it when the spirit hit me, it wouldn't get done until who knows when.
    I ♥ HomeGoods! It is fun to see what new things they get in each month.
    Wishing you all the best of 2015, Susan.

    1. I seem to fall into the "who knows when" category more often than I would like to admit ;-)

  5. I drag my feet also! Sometimes I am right on a task but other times, well I still have my Christmas tree up. The rest is put away but for some reason I don't have the energy to take down the tree...tomorrow?? Love Home Goods and always can find something there I have to have!

  6. Such a cute basket. I have never been either. I think there is one about an hour away. I still have my tree up.

  7. Such a cute basket. I have never been either. I think there is one about an hour away. I still have my tree up.

  8. I still have those damn two jack-o-lanterns in the cabinet over my fridge so there will be no judging coming from me.

  9. Hello, love your blog, both the one when you lived in Boise and this one. You're really going to be surprised to learn there has been a HomeGoods in Boise since at least 2002! It's on Franklin Rd, when we lived there and just before we moved it opened. It's a huge one too, it was near where the old Costco was located. But, glad you found one fairly close to where you are now. Lovely blog!


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