Saturday, January 10, 2015

What Is Your Favorite Perfume?

I am running out of both of my favorites ~ Lauren by Ralph Lauren (which
I have worn forever) and Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel.

You can see a bottle of Chanel No. 5 in the background, but it was 
a gift and I am not a huge fan, or shall I say I don't like the
fragrance on me.

I keep a bottle of Youth Dew on my dressing table because it was the 
scent my Mom wore forever.  When I miss her I just spray a little bit
around and it is though she just walked into the room.

I suppose that Lauren is my signature scent, at least that's what my
husband David thinks so I always have to have a bottle of that scent.
To me I am more of a Coco Mademoiselle girl or at least it feels 
more like me.

But it never hurts to try new things.  What is your favorite scent?  Do you
have any suggestions for a new fragrance for me to try?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am an Amazing Grace by Philosophy girl!

    1. I have read some good reviews about that fragrance. Thanks for participating!

  2. For years 'O" de lancome has been my summer scent. My mother used to wear Arpege by Lanvin, but I don't know if it can be found anymore. I loved it on myself too.

  3. Prada d'Iris is my signature scent. Hubby bought it for me a few years ago; and it has become my fave. I get lots of compliments on it!

    1. I have not tried it but will. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I've got nothin' for you as I use only Channel #5 lotion. I don't like the sprays, but the lotion leaves a light, wonderful scent.

    1. Sometimes the fragrance from lotions last longer.

  5. I always wore Shalimar in the winter and still love the warmer months I wear White Shoulders.......the past few years I've been in love with Amazing Grace. AG is a very light and faint scent, it really disappears on me, but have discovered the whipped body butter, shower wash, oil spray, and lotion. Layering brings out the scent on me.I have to be able to smell it on me and it is delightful!!!

    1. I have not tried Amazing Grace but seems to be popular.

  6. My signature scent is Eternity. I still love it after all these years, and I do try others when I am in the store just to mix it up a little ;o) I've been stopped in the airport to ask what I am wearing and the answer is always Eternity. Susan, I don't always comment but I do enjoy your blog very much! I read blogs on the fly.

  7. I wore Lauren myself for years and on special occasions I wear Chanel #5. But for many years now I have worn Escape by Calvin Klein. I get more compliments on it when I wear it.

    1. I have not tried Escape, but now I will. Thanks!

  8. My hubby loved Chanel #5 when we were dating but it seemed too sweet of a fragrance for me. I liked wearing Arpege and don't know why they discontinued that lovely scent. I love wearing Coco Chanel which is a bit different from Coco Mademoiselle. I have a few bottles left of it but would like to find another fragrance to try. Thanks for asking for suggestions . . . I might find something else I would love!

  9. My favorite new fragrance is Angel by Theirry Mugler. I also like Poison by Dior, and Knowing from Estee Lauder. There are so many lovely scents it's hard to choose, I like the change it up depending on my mood.

  10. I don't wear much scent any more (allergies) but I use to wear Blue Grass by Elizabeth Arden in the summer. My Mom wore Arpege by Lanvin and I was allowed to wear it to prom so it's really special.

    1. Don't you love how a fragrance can remind us of happy memories?

  11. Off-topic, but I love the ceramic dogs on the dresser top! My mom wore Chanel #5, and I have some to remind me of her. I vote for Amazing Grace by Philosophy as well.

  12. I have been wearing Eternity by Calvin Klein for so many many years that I can't count them anymore. I also have a bottle of Chanel #5, that i wear sometimes, when my bottle of Eternity is getting low, just before I get the chance to get a new Eternity.
    My Mother's signature perfume was also Youth Dew by Estee Lauder.She used to be asked by people, when she was in the elevator or shopping, what she was wearing, because it smelled so good on her. My Mother has been gone for 17 years, and I too, have her bottle on my perfume tray, and just like you, I'll take the cap off, to smell it again. I have a silk scarf that she wore, all those years ago, and it still has the scent when I open the drawer it is in. Makes me feel that she is that so much..

    1. All of my Mom's drawers are scented with Youth Dew too. It is such a lingering fragrance.

  13. I love Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue

  14. I have been wearing Vanderbilt FOREVER!!! I do wear Chanel #5 for special occasions but Vanderbilt everyday! I love it and frequently get asked what I am wearing.

  15. I like "Midnight Romance" and i think it is Lauren too :)

  16. I don't have a sense of smell most of the time, so most all perfumes smell alike to me, when I can smell them. I rarely wear perfume, but when I do I wear White Linen by Estee, because people always tell me they like it on me. I also like the items on your dresser, so feminine and classic.

  17. I can't wear a lot of perfumes, but Chanel #5 is one I can. I am also a Lauren, girl ~

  18. Bonjour
    J'aime beaucoup ta mise en scène avec les flacons
    J'adore collectionner ces flacons les plus originaux
    Mon parfum préféré est j'Adore de Dior
    Mais je lui fais souvent des infidélités selon
    mon humeur, ma tenue du jour ou le type d'événements
    En ce moment je triche avec Samsara, N°5 de Chanel ou Allure de Chanel
    Merci pour ce beau partage

  19. My favorite is Chantilly (my paternal Grandmother wore it). Second favorite is Arpege and I'm glad to hear it is still available.

  20. My favorite: Paloma Picasso, but really enjoy Coco Channel, my husband likes Clinique on me.

  21. Falling in Love by Philosophy is not only my favorite but my whole family's favorite! The guys always comment on how much they like it. It's a sweet fresh scent that is just yummy. I also like Amazing Grace by Philosophy.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.