Friday, February 20, 2015

Mini Tour of My Home

It's been a busy week.  I have been gathering pics for our magazine
spread.  Bentley follows me around all day, bless his heart.
Hope you enjoyed our little tour.  We are still taking photos and
I will share more later.  TGIF!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan and your home looks so pretty and can't wait to see the magazine shoot!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Your home is so cute I love all your decoration and your lovely dog

  3. You have a beautiful home, Susan. You have made it so inviting, I can tell I would feel at home right away. When I saw your kitchen, I could immediately imagine yummy things being prepared there. Thanks for the tour and tell Bentley thanks too!

  4. Hi Susan! I am new to your blog. You have a very beautiful home.

  5. Susan,
    How pretty and Bentley is precious!

  6. Thanks for the tour. Always enjoy seeing your lovely home.


  7. Sweet Bentley in his chair . Lovely photos of a lovely cozy home ! Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

  8. It is just as lovely as it can be! I loved seeing your green,outside. I am here in Illinois waiting for the next ice/snow storm to hit tonight! I will be fine, tho. I have my poochies and Mary to keep me company!

  9. It all looks so pretty, Susan! I think your new home is just lovely. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. Bentley looks comfortable curled up in his chair. Sadie is doing the same as I type. Oh, the life of a dog!
    Beautiful shots, Susan. Eager to see the magazine article.

  11. Thanks for having open house for our enjoyment. I notice you have flowers in most every room. Love it. Thanks to you and Bentley for dropping by today.

  12. Well, your home certainly deserves to be in a magazine! WOW! It's just gorgeous as can be!! Bentley looks so comfy !!!

    HPS!! Dana

  13. Susan, your home is so warm and cozy and just layered with beautiful things. I LOVE that Scottie
    painting. However the most important treasure is Mr. Bentley. He has a charming spot to rest his
    pretty head.

    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  14. Thank you for sharing your warm, comfortable home with us. I get very usable ideas from you. I so look forward to each thing you post.

  15. You have such a lovely home. That area with the wood paneled walls makes me want to climb in one of those chairs and read a book :)

  16. Everything looks wonderful...can't wait to see your spread in the exciting

  17. Susan, your home is just gorgeous!! There isn't a thing that I don't love! Perfect!! Cozy and comfy!

  18. Susan;

    I hope you go back and read comments on old posts. I tried to comment on this when you posted, but I was travelling and wasn't able to do it on my phone.

    I loved the tour of your home, but I have to say I was a bit surprised. I thought it would be more country and cottagey, like your kitchen is. If I'm remembering correctly, your last home was more cottagey, right? Not to say that I don't love your new home. It's actually more like mine, more traditional. I love the cabinetry and doorway in your dining room. The built in cabinets at an angle, and the way they frame the door is beautiful and so unique. And of course, being a fan of blue and white, I love what's in it!

    Please continue the tour with the other rooms in your house! I would love to see them.

    I often marvel at the relationships we have along the wires (not really) of the internet. So fun!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  19. I swear, you have one of the most well-decorated houses I've seen so far. I'm sure a lot of netizens are jealous of you and your home, Susan. It's one of the most cozy tours I've seen, and you can bet I'm swooning with both jealousy and delight. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing that! All the best! :)

    John Lambert @ Cape Coral Lots


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.