Friday, March 20, 2015

Okay, Now I've Done It

I have been so tired of looking at my old blog header and background.
I have been surfing through blogger templates on etsy and just have not
found one that really grabs me.  So I went to PicMonkey and created
a new header and then started playing with the fonts and colors on my

Life has been a bit depressing this past week.  We attended the 
funeral of a dear friend's father.  Then it's been day after day of rain.
We need the rain badly so I am not complaining but the dark gray
skies day after day are not uplifting.  This sounds like a 
contradiction because I do enjoy a rainy day but maybe not this
week.  I am fickle that way.  

Then I became aggravated because I felt that someone I know
was wrongly mistreated and started me thinking ….
why are some people so mean and vengeful???

So I cleared off my old blog header and color scheme and dove
into something new.  Of course being the fickle person I am,
I am not sure that I want to stick with it forever.  

However ….

I am keeping it up for a couple of days because this is the
first day of spring and I feel like I need a pop of color to 
brighten my mood.  So that's my story and I'm sticking
with it!

Have a great Friday y'all and Happy Spring!!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It looks cute and refreshing to me!! I did love the blue polka dots too, but this is fun...and besides, I feel right at home because I have a bunch of those dishes with the roses on them (last picture).
    Sunshiny blessings to you and a hug for Bentley!

    1. I love those dishes too! Blessings to you also my friend.

  2. Hi, Susan, I'm a new reader of your blog and I've had almost the exact same kind of week as you've had, minus the death. I'm sorry about the loss of your friend's father. You've had such a glut of dreary things in your life this past week. I think we all need some brighter days. And they will come! Life can be relentless with its daily stressers. But we must grab the good where we can find it.

    Speaking of which, I love your new look! I hope you like it more than a few days. I've been freshening up my blog's look, as well. It helps, doesn't it? Little things.

    Take care!

    1. Thanks for the thumbs up! Color always lifts my spirits.

  3. Good for you. Change is good for everyone. I wish I knew how to do these things. Like you, it is raining here but we so desperately need it. So try to enjoy it.

    1. We will just stay cozy inside and have a cup of tea. Wish you lived nearby so I could hop over for a visit!

  4. It's cheerful and spring like :)

    Dreary here today as well. Even some snow earlier! : ) Not enough to stick, thankfully.

    1. Snow??? The calendar says spring, but then the weather always has it's own ideas ;-)

  5. I like your header as it's very fresh and spring-like and I love the pink gingham. This is my first visit here (from the Over 40 Blogging World) so I really don't know what your blog and header looked like before. I hope your weather clears up soon and that you have a cheery weekend. Pam

    1. I am so glad you stopped by! I love how we can all chat over at the Over 40 Blogging World!!

  6. Ah I found you, your comment only goes to your G+ profile, and there is no blog listed.

    I love the header, why won't you keep it? It's brigth and cheerful and lovely! Happy spring!

    Visiting from TO40's

  7. And the happiest of spring days to you. We too are having a bit of gloom in the weather, but that just gives me a really good excuse to stay inside and putter around. Love the new header....filled with life.

  8. Love your bright and cheerful new header. You did a great job? Sorry about your bad week. Hopefully the sun will shine and the next days will be more pleasant. I need to call you and talk. Am headed to Dallas to goof off this weekend. Wish you were going to be there. We'd probably be in a lot of trouble. LJudy

    1. I wish I could be in Dallas too. We have a Wounded Warrior dinner tomorrow night so we will be in town for the weekend. Let me know when you will be in Texas next and we will try to get together and get into lots of trouble ;-)

  9. It's a fab header! I'm sorry you have had such a rubbish week. Here's hoping that the weekend brightens up and that your friend is treated better in the future.

  10. Looks great! But your sidebar ads are distracting :(

    1. I am committed to keep them because I am part of BlogHer. I am sorry that they are distracting.

  11. Love your new header! It's bright and fresh and cheerful. Hope your week turns.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  12. I like it, Susan! Love the combination of green and pink. You done good, my friend.

    And, for the record, your sidebar ads are just fine. I don't even notice them. I'm here for the post and that's what I concentrate on.


    1. Thanks Claudia! The pink and green are cheering my up on this very cloudy day. I am glad to know that the sidebar ads don't bother you. I know that some folks don't like them but I do enjoy being part of BlogHer.

  13. I think it looks lovely and now I think I want to change mine up.. again...

    1. Isn't it fun to play around with the header? I could spend all day doing it :-)

  14. It's beautiful, Susan! My readers are saying they want photo collages, so that's what I'm doing too. Your colors are so upbeat and cheerful!

    1. Thanks Brenda! Your encouragement helped make it happen.

  15. Well, you did good! I like it!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  16. I like it looks great ! I always use Pic monkey for my headers . I like rainy days to just not one after the other I need sunshine . Sorry for your friends loss . Thanks for sharing , Happy First day of Spring , and have a good weekend !

    1. I always enjoy your visits. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. It all looks great! I know it is fun to change out headers but I think you should definitely keep this one for a while.

  18. Your header is adorable, and I'm impressed you did it yourself!

    We had some snow here in Massachusetts today...time for more shoveling :(. Wish someone would tell Mother Nature it's officially Spring! (Stopping by from Over 40).

    1. I hope the weather improves for you soon. It's certainly been a very long, tough one for you up in Mass.

  19. I really like your new blog header, Susan. I think you should keep it for a while. There are going to be lots of bright days ahead for you, my friend. XO Laura

  20. Susan, I am new to your blog so want you to know that I am touched by your sincerity and the way you make me realize that we are all really just one family of people in the end. I am glad that you have your little sidekick, Bentley, with you on your journey through life. I sense a lot of spunk in both of you, so I know everything's going to be all right!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, we both have spunk and I am getting back to my old self (Bentley has always been his old self). It has taken me a while to get back on my feet, but I am doing it. My blogging friends have been such a great support group and yes, we are family!

  21. Hi Susan, So glad to have "found you" again. I am putting you on my sidebar so I don't miss any posts! Hope your "grey skies" turn to sunny soul-soothing ones. Blessings- xo Diana

  22. Susan, hope looking at your new header will pick you up the way it has picked me up! So refreshing and springy! Love your blog! Sorry for you loss.

  23. I love those sweet Spring colors and prints. I'm fickle too, I just get bored looking at my same bloggy "outfit" day after day. It's like wearing the same clothes day after day, but I really love YOUR new outfit! I think it needs to stick around! xoxo

  24. Popping over from Over 40 Bloggers on FB and I love the blog redo for spring...I would take rain here in the NE but getting snow and cold so no spring...


  25. It all looks so inviting and spring like. Very pretty!


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