Sunday, March 29, 2015

Potted Plants for Porches

I have been hunting for ideas for potted plant arrangements for our back
porch.  Love this mix of shapes and colors of green.  


I have one fern and would like to get some more.  Ferns do well in
our shade and high humidity.

These hanging ferns always say "old South" to me.  Love them!


I am looking for a wall fountain, something like this one perhaps.
We have a spot for one on the brick wall that faces our patio.  We could
see the fountain from our back porch.  The previous owners had one
but took it with them.  That was written into their seller's contract which
was fine with us because we knew it had meaning for them.  So we
will get our own.

I worked out in the yard for two days straight.  The weather has
been delightful here and I enjoyed every minute being outside.
Our neighbors stopped by last night and we all sat out here until
well after midnight.  We all just wanted to soak in the evening's
pleasant temps as we know that before long the evenings will
be hot and humid.

We went to church this morning for the Palm Sunday
service.  It was lovely.  Then out for brunch.  David
caught his second wind and is playing golf.  Not me.  I am lounging
on the sofa resting my sore muscles from all that gardening :-)
Bentley is by my side.  He is tired too after a couple of days
of fresh air and a visit from Toby, our neighbor's dog last
night.  Life is good.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. These are all beautiful ideas, Susan. I love ferns and the sounds produced by a fountain. Glad to hear that life is good. xo Laura

  2. Happy Palm Sunday, Susan! Sounds like you had a beautiful day!

  3. Love that container of greenery in the first picture. So pretty. I always have a couple of ferns but never seem to get them thru the winter. So, I just get new ones at the flea market.

    I get the biggest kick out of Bentley having visitors. So cute.


  4. ferns are my favorite...going this week to see if we have them at the nursery yet.....

  5. Love to have ferns hanging on the front porch. Two of mine actually survived the winter! You have a lovely spot to sit and rest.

  6. Your plants are beautiful and so is your porch. REALLY gorgeous. I love the look of ferns hanging on a porch. xo Diana

  7. Your porch looks so pretty!! I can't wait for some warmer temps to start working outside!

  8. Beautiful porch and the planters are lovely. A small wall fountain would work very nicely. They have a lot of them at our Lowe's here in CA.
    Good exercise working in the garden.
    Happy Easter


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