Friday, March 27, 2015

The View From My Kitchen Window

For the last week or so, I have been greeted by my azaleas each
morning as I stand in front of my kitchen sink getting water for my
tea and sometimes for my coffee.  They are so pretty.  I wish they
were the everblooming variety that I have out around the patio,
but these only bloom in the spring.  

You can see my big old Pecan tree that has not leafed out yet.
It leaves me huge piles of leaves every fall, but now this section of
grass is leaf free.  Can't say the same for the rest of the yard because
my Live Oaks and my neighbors trees too, are shedding their leaves
now.  Wow ~ leaves everywhere!  I am trying to rake up as many
as I can and it's a never ending job.  Carlos, my wonderful
lawn and garden man will be coming in a few days to blow the
leaves off the roof and clean out the gutters.  Don't know how
we would live without Carlos!  He is a godsend.  My neighbor
Penni said that her husband could leave before she would ever
let her gardner go lol.  Our beautiful and ancient Live Oaks are
gorgeous, but they really keep us all busy in the spring!  

So I just thought I would pop in to say hi before Bentley and I
head back out to bag more leaves.  Well, I rake and bag,  
Bentley chases squirrels and cats and the sweet little cardinal
couple who live in one of our trees.  I see the trash man has been
by so I can bring that can back in too.  TGIF y'all!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a gorgeous sight to behold each day. Things are just now starting to bloom out here, but not azaleas.

    1. Your azaleas will be coming along very soon now. Thanks for stopping by. Wish you lived closer!!

  2. Lovely view from your kitchen window! Our current home just hast 2 smallish maples in the front yard....but our old home had 7 trees....a huge maple, to enormous pin oaks and a hodge podge of other leafy sporting trees! I loved the coolness they gave us in the summer but oh how we fought those leaves....fall through spring! I'm not missing that! Glad Bentley is putting his time to good use while you rake! haha HPS!! Dana

    1. The raking sure does get old! Thanks for stopping by Dana!!

  3. What a pretty view!! I can't wait for things to start blooming around here!

    1. Hi Martina! Spring when it happens comes on so fast. One day nothing and the next day everything seems to come alive. You have beautiful days to look forward to my friend.

  4. Beautiful view from your window!!!! Things are starting to green up around here :o)
    Have a great weekend!!!

  5. Those azaleas are so lovely! Spring is such a beautiful time of year. We have a lot of leaf clean up to do, soon as the snow is gone lol!

  6. Those azaleas are so lovely! Spring is such a beautiful time of year. We have a lot of leaf clean up to do, soon as the snow is gone lol!

    1. I worked for two full days in the yard. Taking today (Sunday) off to rest up my weary muscles :-) Thanks for stopping by Linda!

  7. Hi there - I'm visiting from the TO40's FB group. The view out your window is so beautiful. Unfortunately, what I see out my kitchen window is the side of my neighbor's house. And there's absolutely nothing in bloom here (northern IL) right now. It is very cold (only in the 20's & 30's lately) and still chunks of snow on the ground!

    1. Northern Illinois ~ I know it so well. Home of my birth and still in my heart. I know it's cold there, but it will always feel like home to me. Miss it!!

  8. Your flowers are very pretty....

  9. Spring has really arrived where you are!

    1. Yes it has. The weather is beautiful here now and we are all taking advantage of it before the hot humid days begin.

  10. You have a wonderful not so much :)) But I do have some beautiful blooming azaleas.

  11. What a gorgeous view! Happy Friday :)

  12. What a gorgeous view, and I can't believe the flowers you have already...we just have snow. Soon I'll be looking out my kitchen window seeing my pond and listening to the waterfall. Agh,,,,,,,hope spring gets here soon. visiting from WO40's

    1. Hope spring arrives for you soon! Thanks for stopping by Cathy!!

  13. Beautiful view! I sure wouldn't mind washing a dish or two if I had that view to enjoy. I love azaleas!!

    1. I love having a window over my sink now. For many years I did not have one. I love watching the birds and the squirrels in our big old Pecan tree. Nothing can compare with nature for pleasure and entertainment.

  14. Oh so nice to see spring blooming...not here yet.

    Stopping in from Over 40 Bloggers

  15. Enjoy but please train your dog not to chase cats! It very dangerous for t h e cats and cruel. It does not make you a good neighbor. It's 80 here today at the beach and gorgeous.

    1. Bentley chases but never catches the cats. It's more of a game for him and the cats that come into our yard seem to like the game. Bentley isn't an aggressive dog. If anything he's the submissive one. So don't worry, he won't hurt them and I would never let that happen anyway.

  16. This spring, as I view all the lovely spring things happening on blogs, I am thinking that I want to live where spring arrives early. I also wanted to mention that before I sold my last home with a big tree-filled yard, I bought a Craftsman mulching lawn mower. I think it was around 300.00. It was self-propelled and started on the first pull even after a long winter of sitting in the garage. It was one of the best things I ever purchased because it was so well made and I never raked again. The thing was incredible. It mulched the leaves into little bits which float out over the lawn and feed the grass. Girlfriend, you've got to look into that! -Ginene

    1. We had a mulching lawn mower that we left behind in Idaho. Our yard here is so big that we have a riding mower. I do recycle the leaves and I keep them in the back of the beds to decompose. Those mulching mowers are great. Enjoy!

  17. Beautiful flowers. We just moved to a new house, I am really going to miss my spring flowers...

    1. It's hard to move away and leave beloved flowers behind. I miss my lilacs and daffodils back in Idaho. But, new places bring forth new gifts of nature so I am excited for what lies ahead for you. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you! I lived in a house for years that did not have a window over the sink. I am so thrilled to have one now.

  19. I love your azaleas. The azaleas here won't bloom until April. The one thing I miss about North carolina is all of the gorgeous springtime azaleas there. xo Laura

    1. Next year come down to Texas and stay with me for a few days. Then you can have a dose of azaleas in March and again in April!

  20. Those azaleas are beautiful. I guess I didn't realize there were ever-blooming ones. Maybe they don't work in our climate. Nothing here will be green and blooming until May most likely. Beautiful view out your window. xo Diana


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